⟨It Only Gets Crazier!⟩

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I'm baaaack!
Sorry for dying, just been really busy. But since I finally got fall break, ima be updating you guys!
Here's your food.

Evan's POV, 7:11 P.M.

I wake up feeling drowsy, and... warm? I opened my eyes fully to see that I was not only snuggled into Gregory, but I was holding his hand. My cheeks blazed red as soon as I realized. I fell asleep with him?? I tried to roll over, and move myself, but he just pulled me back in, groaning a bit. Guess he's comfy.

I said his name, shaking him a bit. He woke up in an instant, realizing he may need to wake up. He looked at me for a slight moment, before his face seemed surprised, and he let go of both me and my hand with no second thought. He rose up, and looked at me

"I am SO sorry! I really didn't mean t-"
"It's fine." I replied, cutting him off. "I liked it, anyways."
...That sounds odd, but I'm saying that because I didn't have any nightmares, that's all! Nothing else... I think.

Gregory's POV, 7:11 P.M.

"I LIKED IT ANYWAYS", HE SAID. HHHHUUUUU- Okay, calm down. It may have been because he was comfy! ...COMFY WHILE CUDDLING ME??? I'm overthinking. Never. Not happening. He doesn't like you back like that, he only sees you as a play-date; a friend, nothing more.


Just a friend. That stung terribly. I felt my face get warm, like I was getting emotional again. Nonono, not in front of him. I rubbed my face, ready to blame it on my eyes trying to get out the sleepiness if I began to cry.

Seems that didn't work. I felt him latch his arms around me, his face in my back. My heart began to race, and I was about to sob like a baby. Why do I have to feel like this? Why? Why?? I shook it off the best I can, and tapped at his hand. But, he wasn't letting go.

3rd Person POV, 7:13 P.M.

Confess, confess, confess. That's all that Evan was thinking. He knew what he was feeling was a crush, but he didn't want to have the feeling. Not because he was scared of rejection, but because of how his father would react. He would be disowned; shunned; dead. It's not his fault. He couldn't help it. Someone actually cared. Someone, even if it was a boy, really did care. He comforted him and made him feel safe.

Evan loved Gregory, and Gregory feels the same, but none of them will fess up and admit. One fears rejection, and the other fears being shunned. The atmosphere was still, and the perfect opportunity.
One of them began to speak.

Go To Bed, Won't You?!?! (FINISHED!)Where stories live. Discover now