⟨Research and... Feelings?⟩

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It's time my friends.
The moment you've all been waiting for; a chapter 10
Well, technically 8.

Gregory's POV, 5:39 PM

C'mon, think! I begged myself to come up with a reason for my emotions, or atleast an excuse. Why was it when he got close to me, I felt all weird and nervous? I react with nobody else that way, so what's the difference with him?? I only felt that way when I was really young and saw a girl I thought was pretty, or nice... But why am I feeling it for a boy??

Don't tell me...
Oh no...

Not in a friend way, definitely not, but- NO! WE JUST MET!
And besides, it's wrong! Totally wrong! But... Is it? Is it wrong that I like this kid? And- like this?
...No. It's not. I can like whoever I want. Besides, not like I can be shunned twice.

My train of thoughts were interrupted by Evan moving close to me. FUCK! I forgot he was here! And- why is he so close?! I felt my face get steamed up.

"Hey, you alright?" He asked softly, his soft black eyes looking practically into my soul. God... I bet he can read my mind right now.

"Oh- Y-Yeah, I'm good!" I stammered out. Well, great job, Gregory! Now, you look like a nervous wreck! I stayed quiet. That's probably for the best, anyways.

Evan's POV, 5:41 PM

I looked at Gregory after asking the question. His face was bright red and his hands were gripping onto his khaki shorts. He kept glancing at my eyes, and then looking away immediately after. Is he okay?

I felt that he was aggravated over something, so moved my hand to his, and the grip onto his shorts instantly loosened, and majorly, like it calmed him down. I looked at him to see that he was looking at me, his eyes now seeming calm and gentle, instead of nervous and irritated.

I felt my heart beat at a comfortable pace, and it seemed I zoned out just looking at him. I studied his facial features. His face was skinny, but it still had a chubby outlook. I could see his jawline. His eyebrows were arched, and kind of full. His eyes are a really pretty brown, and his nose is small and refined.

But, the main part I was focused on was his lips. They seemed to automatically part on their own, and he had a gap between his teeth. His lips look... Soft. My breath steadied, and it seemed he was completely calmed now, looking at me back in a steady way. I noticed his breathing was settle, too.

I felt his hand lightly grab onto mine. I could hear the thumping in my chest. And it seemed so loud, that he could hear it. My face and ears felt hot, but it wasn't scorching. I felt my face get closer to his, and his followed in suit. One of his hands seemed to slowly move to the elbow of, resting on it softly. It felt so comforting.

Our lips were inches away at this point.
What was happening...?

(And like every cruel writer, I'ma leave y'all on a cliffhanger. >:])

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