the academy

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Akuma pov

I wake up very early for this day I find the most decent looking clothes I can find and put them on I rush towards the kitchen and grab something when I see a note on the fridge it from dad it says that he's gone on a mission and to have a good day at the academy I sigh but go with it.

I left my house and went towards what I hope is the direction of the academy. I walk through the village finding some random idiot to run by Me but it quite today I sigh and hop along.

I eventually find the Academy after a hour and It a decent building I go inside. The whole place was quiet no one was roaming the halls nothing 'how early was i' I started roaming the halls opening multiple doors till I opened one door and I see iruka sitting at his desk and of course he dosnt spot me I knock on the door and he looks at Me mild shock going over him "akuma what are you doing here the academy dosnt start for another hour" I shrug and he sighs "well I award you for being early I know you have already pass graduation so you can listen to my class if you want but can you atleast  behave" I nod and he has a sigh of relief "well the only seat available are at the front so choose what you want and try to get some form of sleep" I nod and go sit at the front I pull a book out of God knows where and started drawing some random things.

1 hour later

Iruka looked up from his desk and moved over to me to see what I was doing "you draw" I nod "can i see it" I nod again and show him and it a drawing of him in the exact position he was in while sitting at front "this is impressive especially a girl you age" just at that moment a boy walked in he had black hair which looked like a duck ass "good morning sasuke" "hn" iruka sighs and hands me back my drawing book going back to his desk.

A couple more minutes pass and slowly one by one students come roaling in each not noticing me till eventually naruto comes in and looks directly at me a smile growing large on his face "hey akuma when did you enrol in the academy" everyone looked at naruto the they finally noticed Me and a loud "what" explodes out of the classroom and I cover my ears. Iruka sighs a mighty sigh "now everybody here we have a new student akuma can you come up to the front" I stand up walking to the front high fiveing naruto as I pass him.

I'm now standing up front everyone looking at me "I been in this class for a hour and I already most of you" iruka sighs "anyone have any questions" a kid in the back raises his hand "yes shikamaru" "how come no one noticed you until someone pointed you out" I look at him "you are all blind" he looks at me and sighs a girl with pink hair is next "yes sakura" "do you like any boy in the class" I look at her "naruto" iruka sighs "she means romantic like" "no I don't find any of you attractive" the pink haired girl looks offended but I shrug it off naruto put his hand up "yes naruto" he smiles "if you divide one by one times is by a calapsing star and times it by hello what do you get" everyone looks at naruto and I sigh "I hate you" he smiles "ok enough questions akuma can you go to you seat" I nod and sit next to naruto and class went as it did.

When It got to break naruto instantly grabbed my hand and dragged me out of class I sigh and see where this is going we eventually got to a tree with a single swing on it "yeah " he looks at me stars in his eyes "can you do the thing" I tilt my head to the side "the thing with your body" my eyes go wide "no no not in a public setting" he pouts but smiles and we continue the day like normal me and naruto I did notice sasuke giving me wierd looks but I ignore it.

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