first mission

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Akuma pov

I wake up early excited about being on my first Misson then I remember who I'm doing it with and that soured my mood I get dressed a black hoodie and some random shorts and off I go to the village gate.

I get there to see all of team 7 leaving and I scowl I run after them tailing in the trees to see if one of them ever notices I'm not there and no one questions it not even naruto. They continue going till eventually passing a puddle and something was off about this puddle it had two heart beats I go through two options be spiteful and leave them to it or help them out while I'm debating this the two ninja jumped out and instantly killed the lazy guy and I would have been happy if they actually did but sadly he was hiding in a tree and I give in and help them out.

A couple second pass and the two ninja was on the floor I look at the famous team 7 and they had shock in there eyes "Akuma" i look at naruto "don't" I then look at the ninja "why are you here and who do you work for" the ninja looks at me all cocky "why would we tell a brat like you" I sigh and go up to his ear and wisper "do you wanna see what your blood flow going the opposite way feels like" he looked at me "your bluffing only ketsueki clan have that ability and there all dead" I smile "yes all but one" he looks at me ready to call my bluff and I oblige I look at his partner and reverse his blood flow and I made him watch as slowly but surely his organs are shutting down and we all could see it "you are" I nod "now information or your next" he gulped "we were hired by gato to kill the bridge builder we are rouge ninja from the mist village" I look at him no mercy in my eyes "anything else" "there two more zabuza and some kid" I nod and smash his head onto the ground knocking him out.

Everyone is still stunned "is he gonna be okay" I look at sakura "his organs should be fine in a hour" I start walking off "Akuma stop" I look at the lazy guy "I'm not apart of team  7 anymore I don't take orders from you" I continue walking off and all the rest could do is follow.

We walk down a path kakashi trying to talk to me but I don't give two fucks that when naruto opened his mouth "Akuma can you please look at Me" "you should stop trying to ask Me to do things" naruto kept shut and I enjoyed the silence until I heard sakura wisper "she really is a demon" I look at her and she freezes "I can easily reverse your blood flow aswell and it would make no difference in this mission so unless you have something important to contribute to the group I suggest shutting up" I look back round and continue walking 'fucking asshole' I lisen to the wind blowing through the trees and it make this Misson slightly peaceful.

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