old ruins

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Akuma pov

I ran as fast as I could. My heart beating fast and my lungs on overdrive I eventually found a small cave to hide inside. I jumped in front of the cave and ran inside only relaxing when I was sure no one was following me "I did it I actually left" I could hear ketsueki giggling 'yes yes you did and now there gonna be after your ass for life so your gonna need a disguise" I nod and look around the cave I found to only see darkness I sigh 'how am I ment to find anything' ketsueki sighed 'your a ninja of the leaf don't you know any fire jitsu' I shake my head and ketsueki sighs 'give me a sec' I wait for a minute when suddenly the cave is lighting up 'how are you doing that'
She stays quite and I just accept it.

I travel through the cave dodging the rocks and staying away from the cliffs till eventually I find what looks like a camp but it ruined the tents were nothing but sheets and the fire long since gone but the thing that caught my eye was a statue of a tall looking woman she hade long hair that all I could tell.

There was words under the statue that roughly read out a name 'ketsueki' the wolf hums 'no the statue of a woman the writing under it is your name' the wolf purks up and I could fell a small heat in my eyes 'oh this place yeah this was a gang of fighter's that were hunting down the old man who put me in here' I hum and she goes on 'this is perfect actually see that chest in the corner' I look towards where she said and there was a chest I nodded 'go and open it' I nod and go open it.

Inside was a black robe with red writing on the back spelling ketsueki name with a black mask that covers the mouth but the most unique thing was a pair of glasses with tinted black lens I put it all on and surprisingly the clothing was still in good condition 'wierd choice of clothing' ketsueki hums 'I don't know where they came up with it but they rolled with some style but look now no one can tell who you are your eyes are covered your whole body covered and even your mouth the only thing is your black hair but a bunch of people have black hair' I nod and look around some more.

I looked around for a good hour and found a couple of things some old books I knife with the ketsueki logo on it that I kept and some graves I look at each if them 'osai mioni' ketsueki giggles a little 'he was a charmer he would usually come into town and try charm any woman he could find but he was a nice guy' I nod and look to the next grave 'marin Shizukesa' ketsueki sighed 'her she was quite a calm person even in the most drastic situation half the town just thought she was shy but if you get close enough to her then behind that she a nice girl playing with kids giving food to the homeless even visiting the graves of the fallen' I nod and move onto the third and final grave 'hidori Kakureta' ketsueki stayed silent so i assume she didnt want to talk about it I was about to get up and leave when she spoke up 'hey akuma could we stay for a minute I wasn't for them then might as well be here now' I nod and stand infront of the graves staying silent.

I could minutes pass when ketsueki seemed satisfied and I started walking off 'akuma thank you' I nod and start leaving the cave going for where the wind decides to take us.

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