chunin exam (5)

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Naruto pov

I was walking home with three questions on my mind who is this hunter, where akuma and what ramen I'm having tonight as this questions flooded my mind the fight between sasuke and some guy started I had slight confidence in sasuke winning this fight I even cheered him on but who I really wanted to fight was this hunter I'm gonna beat him and become hokage and I'm gonna do it with my friends by my side.

Shikamaru pov

I'm watching the fight calculating the skill of the fighter's when choji whispered in my ear "hey shikamaru" I look at him "who do you think the hunter is" I shrug "who ever they maybe they must be strong if they were sent by them self's to hunt us down" choji nodded then ten ten spoke "who ever it is I could easily beat them and gain sasuke loving affection" I sigh "the chances of you beating this hunter are slim to 0 considering you don't know what they can't Do and you don't even know who it is" she ignored me and kept dreaming about sasuke.

Garaa pov

I watch the fight resisting the urge to just kill everyone here that when then hunter popped into my mind and my anger turned into fear 'why am I fearing him it just another ninja' I look at the hokage stand to see the hunter standing right beside the hokage 'who are you' that question continued to bounce in my mind.

Guy pov

I look at the hokage stand to see akuma standing there I wasn't afraid of her it the job of a shinobi to follow there Kage wishes but the way she did it. It was like a beast that had stayed dormant finally awoke and went in a rampage killing everyone it sees and even know that beast is waiting patiently until it unleashed again and God have mercy for who ever is facing it.

Akuma pov

I'm standing next to the hokage not caring about the fight but in my own world talking to ketsueki when I could feel like multiple eyes are on Me 'why am I feeling this' I could hear a smirk 'because my dear pup that because people are looking at you talking about you thinking about you' I sigh and some how that earns the hokage attention "hunter is there something wrong" I shake my head and his eyes are now concerned but he looks back at the fight 'nosey isn't he' I just go back to doing my own think still ignoring the fight when I suddenly hear shocked expression I look at the fight to see something on sasuke neck shifting, growing I'm not as concerned as I should be about this but it ended with sasuke winning I shrug and go back to my own thing 'curse seal wow haven't seen them in ages' I ignore her and just think how he got such a thing I then choose to follow where sasuke went.

I went to where susuke was taken to and I could see him in a type of pentagram with kakashi. Eventually some guy, girl comes out from the shadows kakashi says it name Is orochimaru the thing taunts kakashi saying he will never get the seal to complete and then he talked about me "and that hunter really showed some display controlling people like puppets, stopping there hearts making weapons out of there own blood if my research suggest that the ketsueki clan techniques but last I heard they all died" he then smiles "except one akuma her name was right maybe I will get her to join me aswell with all of the lovely secrets you are all hidding" kakashi uses some type of lighting jitsu but orochimaru was fast and dodged it leaving the room his laughing echoing through the halls.

Soon kakashi left with sasuke and I'm left here thinking what is is secret there hiding I go back to the hokage booth leaving that question for later.
The hokage looked at me and smiled I used to trust that smile I don't anymore.

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