lee vs akuma

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Guy pov

I watch as lee and akuma stand at the opposite ends of the field both staring each other down. even though lee and akuma are close friends they will take this fight seriously and that is what scares me "are you two ready" they both nod "ready, set, go" lee instantly started the fight rushing at akuma taking away one of akuma strength the ability to think "wow they are both a blur" I nod "akuma and lee have been through the same training" both ten ten and neji nodded "who stronger out of the two" I look at the fight and there kicks and punches are sending shock waves to the surrounding area "in ti jitsu there both equally match but if this was a fight to the death it would be akuma" neji looked at the fight "it because of her kekkai genkai" I shake my head "it one asset but akuma has another that she only uses if she really trying to kill or maim someone" "wow it must be something powerful" I keep looking at the fight not taking my eyes off it "this other asset is only a thing akuma clan can do if anyone else tried it would instantly stop there heart" ten ten gulped while neji just watched.

A couple hours passed and they both were still going at it I put a hand up "you two stop" as I said that the two where in a pose where akuma leg was aiming at lee head and lee doing the same "this fight end in a tie I'm very proud of both of you" they both nodded and returned to a standing position akuma high fiving lee I smile 'those two sometimes act like siblings rough housing' both lee and akuma come up to me "all of you I want to have a quick discussion" they all nod and stand infront of me "the chunin exams are coming up and I'm thinking of putting you all in it" ten ten put her hand up "yes" "the chunin exams are usually set in teams of 3 won't havering akuma here upset that" I nod "yes the chunin exams are usually set in teams of 3 that is why akuma won't be doing it" lee spoke up "guy-sensei won't that damage akuma chances of became a good ninja" I shake my head "no it will not because akuma will be taking a diffrent type of test that the hokage has set up perfectly for her" lee nods and look at akuma "I want you to pass I can't have my rival not be on the same playing field as me" akuma nods and gives a honest smile (which she very rarely does) "I will look forward to it" lee nods and smiles back and inside I smile aswell 'my young flower growing up'.

I dismissed everyone and me and akuma go home and she silent "akuma Is there something wrong" she looks at me "something tells me I'm not gonna like this test" I sigh "to be honest akuma I think you already passed this part is to just appease the elders" she nods goes back into her own world and the rest of the walk home is in peace.

Hokage pov

I look at the kunai on my desk that was retrieved from akuma back and wonder what to do 'should I increase security or just make a fake death' I sigh going through every possibility even the darkest ones 'should I pull her out of being a shinobi'.

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