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I open my eyes and look around. I'm standing on an altar, in a flowing white dress. My parents are sitting in one of the pews, smiling and wiping their eyes. I finally realize; I'm getting married. But to whom? I wonder. I look at the man standing before me.

Draco. He seems to glow with happiness. He looks at me with a smile and walks forward. Without breaking eye contact, he lifts up my hand and slides a ring on my finger. I faintly hear a voice saying 'you may now kiss the bride.' I lean in, so glad to finally have my dreams become a reality. Just before our lips touch, a feel a jolt in my stomach. 

I gasped for air and sat up, wishing to be anywhere other than my bed. I threw the covers off of me and stood up.

"Hermione, are you alright?" A different man asked, holding a small boy by the hand.

"I'm fine, Ronald."

"Alright," Ron said, and I realized that I was not in my dream anymore. I was in my nice sized house, with my husband Ron, our nine year old daughter Rose, our eight year old son Hugo... and my son, Scorpius. It wasn't the greatest day either. It had been twelve years to the day since it happened. Scorpius had turned twelve in February, and was just finishing his first year at Hogwarts. Ron and I had picked him up from Kings Cross two days prior to the day. 

I made my way to the kitchen to make breakfast for the kids and Ron. He knew I was in a bad mood from the moment I woke up. I tried to tell him I was fine, but he knew I wasn't. 

"Mum!" Scorpius raced down the stairs to the kitchen counter. 

"Yes, sweetheart?" I asked, but when I turned around I had to do a double take. Scorpius had his blonde hair gelled back. Gelled back. Exactly like... his... hair looked like at Scorpius' age. "Mum?" He asked again, as if he was excited to tell me something.

"Y-yes?" I slowly set the pan of bacon back on the stove and forced a smile. "Yes, Scorpy, what is it?"

"I... I drew you a picture," he held up a crayon drawing of what I assumed was him and I walking in a park.

"Oh, it's wonderful!" I exclaimed, looking closely at it. "You know, once, your father and Uncle Harry wrote a song about how I can't draw."

"Really?" he asked, laughing. "Can I hear it?" 

I bit my lip, realizing that Scorpius couldn't hear it, for we didn't have anyone... anyone to play the guitar. 

"Can I, Mum?"

"I wish you could, Scorp, but we don't have anyone to play the guitar. Daddy's a terrible musician," I explained.

"I'm a terrible what?" Ron laughed, walking into the kitchen."You're a terrible musician! And a terrible artist!" I joked.

"Oh really? I'm the terrible artist?" Ron exclaimed. "You're the one who can't draw."I rolled my eyes.

Scorpius laughed. "Mum told me about that song you and Uncle Harry came up with!"

"Oh she did, did she?" Ron raised an eyebrow. "Well then..."

"Ronald, don't you dare!" I gave him a death glare.

"Heeeerrrrmione can't draw, Hermione can't draw, Hermione cannot—"

"I said, don't you dare!" I screamed, causing a vase to break from a magic outburst.

Ron frowned and backed off, making his way to the stove. "Uh, ooh bacon!" He plucked a piece from the pan before making his way out of the kitchen back to the bedroom. 

"Mum? Are you okay?" Scorpius asked, snapping me out of my anger.

"Oh, yes, I'm fine," I replied sweetly. "What else were you going to tell me?"

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