The Party

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Draco’s POV


It was the night of the party and I walked downstairs preparing to greet the guests.  

“Oh, Draco, honey, you look so wonderful!” My mom smiled as she walked over in her black dress.  She hugged me.

“Uh, Mother, you can let me go now,” I managed to say while squished in my mother’s arms.  She let go and smiled again.  The doorbell rang.

“They’re here!” Mother smiled and ran to open the door.  It was Andromeda, my Mother’s sister… my aunt, and her grandson of course; Teddy.  Hermione told me about him.  I quietly slipped away and found myself at the end of the grand staircase.

“Why, don’t you look charming,” Came a voice from beside me.

“Hey--” I turned around and my jaw dropped. “Hermione… you look….”

She blushed.

“Beautiful,” I finished.

“Thanks, you’re pretty handsome yourself as well,” She added.

I took her hands, “Ready?”

“Of course, why else would I be down here?”

“Oh, well I know that.  But the party’s in the… Drawing Room,” I explained carefully.

“Oh… well, I’ll be fine,”  Hermione insisted.

“If you’re sure…”

“I’ll be perfectly fine! Plus, this is different.”

“Okay,” I nodded and lead her to the Drawing Room hand-in-hand.

Upon walking in and seeing Andromeda, Hermione dragged me over to her and Teddy.

“Draco, this is Teddy Lupin!” She pointed to the baby with blue tufts of hair hair. Teddy looked up at me, and his hair, starting from the roots upwards, slowly turned from blue to green.

“He’s a metamorphmagus, like his mother.” Hermione commented. I nodded, and dragged Hermione into the center of the room. She caught sight of the Weasleys and Potters, and practically ran over to them, leaving me to follow.

“Hi guys!” Hermione exclaimed, giving a hug to all of her friends.

“Hello, Hermione,” Luna greeted with her soft voice.  I was sure any of them wouldn’t notice me, especially since what happened at the Halloween party.  

“Hey, Draco,” Potter’s voice proved my thoughts wrong.

“Uh, Happy Christmas,” I replied, surprised they even bothered to talk to me.

Weaselette, Lovegood and Hermione all left the group to talk more privately, leaving Harry, Ron and I. I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly.

“So... how ‘bout them Chudley Cannons?” I asked nervously.

“What? No, they’re loads of rubbish!” Harry scoffed.

“I think they’re great!” Ron retorted.

“Yeah I know, because you’ve been writing it in all my books!” Harry countered, a grin on his face. So the Wonder Twins aren’t perfect, after all. I thought and laughed inwardly.


Soon after, I noticed Astoria talking with Blaise. I excused myself, grabbed Hermione, and walked to them.

“Wow, Hermione! You look great!” Astoria squealed.

“You too!” Hermione replied.

“Draco, Hermione, how’ve you been?” Blaise waved to us.

“Great!” I said cheerfully.

“Good. Can we dance now that we’ve caught up?” Blaise said, and I chuckled.

Before I knew what was happening, Hermione grabbed my arm and pulled me into the middle of the dance floor.  I saw Blaise and Astoria dancing next to us.  So far, it was the best night ever.

Soon after, the slow songs started playing. I looked over to Hermione, who was watching the couples walking on the dance floor.

“Hermione, may I have this dance?” I asked, holding out my arm. She smiled and took it, and I led her to the dance floor. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw mother watching me with a knowing smile on her face, but I brushed it off. The music started up, and Hermione leaned into my chest. She is so beautiful, I thought, as we waltzed across the floor. How did I not notice her before?


It was well past midnight when the guests started clearing out. It was only then when I noticed a pile of presents under the Christmas tree in the corner.

“C’mon Draco, let’s go to bed,” Hermione pleaded weakly, tugging at my arm. I did as she asked, and we walked upstairs.

“Y’know, as knackered as I am now, that was really fun.” I remarked, and she chuckled weakly. “‘Night, Hermione.”

“Good night, Draco.” She was about to walk away when she stopped, turned around, and brushed her lips over my cheek. Before I was able to gather my bearings, she had walked into her room, and the door clicked shut. I strolled into my own room, my hand still on my cheek, grinning like a madman. I got ready for bed, and as soon as my head touched the pillow, I was in a deep sleep.

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