A Beautiful Day

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Draco’s POV  


As the next few weeks passed, Hermione and I grew steadily closer.  On Friday night, we were relaxing on the couches. She was staring at the enchanted ceiling contentedly, but what she didn’t know was that I was staring at her.

“So, Hermione,” I tried.

“Hmm?” she said, without taking her eyes off the ceiling.

“Well, tomorrow’s Saturday, and I was wondering, if- if you wanted to hang out with me in Hogsmeade? But, then again, who wouldn’t?”

She looked at me, and shook her head slightly, chuckling. After a few seconds, she smiled.

“Yes, Draco. I’d like that a lot.”

She closed her eyes, and after a few minutes I realized that she fell asleep. I put a blanket around her, and decided to sleep on the other couch.

It was a good idea to do that, because when I woke up, Hermione was thrashing around on the couch. She was having a nightmare. I strode over to her, and started shaking her arm.

“Hermione, wake up! Wake up!”

She woke up, shivering and crying.

“Are you alright?” I asked.

“Y-Yeah, I t-think so.” She answered, still shaking.

“Do you want to tell me what the nightmare was about?” I asked shyly. ‘When are Malfoys shy? Get over yourself, Draco.’ I thought crossly.

She nodded. “It was back at 12 Grimmauld Place with my friends, and they- they kept yelling at me.  They called me a traitor for b- being friends with you.  B-but then y- you... attacked them. I couldn’t help! But I know you would never do that!  Oh Draco, I just miss them so much!”

I realized she started crying again, and I was heartbroken. I held onto her arm.

“Shhh, Hermione, it’s alright now. Don’t cry. Shh.” I whispered into her ear.

After a few seconds, she calmed down. She looked up at me slowly.

“Thank you.  For everything.”

“Well, that’s what friends are for. And, if anyone sees my face, no one can be sad.” I grinned at her.

“I beg to differ, ferret.”

I looked out the window; It was a beautiful day.

“Hey, it’s Saturday. What do you wanna do?” she grinned back.

“I have an idea.” I smirked mischievously. “C’mon, get ready.”

After we got ready and had breakfast, I took her out to the Quidditch shed. I took out a broom and handed it to her, but she looked away.

“What’s wrong?

“I don’t- I don’t know how to fly.” She stuttered.

“Well then, come on with me.”

I led her onto the broom and got on behind her. I slipped my arm around her waist.

“Get ready..” I said. ‘This is gonna be fun.’

I took off, and Hermione screamed. She grabbed my arms, and held onto them like her life was depending on it. I chuckled, and she huffed indignantly. After she calmed down, she stared off into the horizon.

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it? I asked.

“Yeah. Yeah, it really is.” she said in awe.

We flew around for a bit, then I landed in a meadow on a hill.

“I used to come here to think.” I told Hermione.

“I can see why,” she said. It’s so beautiful!”

Just like you, I thought fondly.  ‘Wait! Why am I thinking this again!? Psh, it’s not like I like her or anything. Right?’ I push that thought to the back of my mind and look at Hermione. She was lying back on the grass, with her eyes closed. She must have felt my eyes on her, because she opened her eyes and sat up. I sat down next to her, and grinned. She leaned into my arms and I stroked her hair gently.

“You know, I don’t really know anything about you, well, because, you know, we weren’t the best of friends back then. Like, what’s your favorite color? Do you play any instruments, and do you have any pets?” Hermione asked me.

“Ha, yeah. Well my favorite color is yellow, I play the guitar, and no, I don’t have any pets. My father doesn’t like animals.” I said sadly.

I noticed she took off her shoes and was rubbing her toes in the grass. I grinned mischievously.  I took one of her shoes, and started sprinting around the hill.

“Hey, Draco! Give it back!” she yelled, annoyed. She ran behind me and jumped on my back, trying to tackle me. I was stronger than her, so instead of falling, I held on to her and gave her a piggyback over to where we were first relaxing. I set her down, and we laid back, laughing.

“Draco Malfoy! You obnoxious little ferret!” she scolded.

I put my hands up in mock surrender, and put on a puppy dog face. She started laughing again.  After we calmed down, she started staring at the sky.

“Hermione, what are you thinking about?” I asked gently.

“Well Draco, how- why were you so mean to me in the past years, but you are so nice to me now?”

“I- I guess I was just a jerk back then. But I‘ve changed now.” I said. My hand subconsciously traced the dark mark on my left arm. She nodded, but didn’t look convinced.

“C’mon, let’s go back for lunch.” I said I helped her back on the broom, and we took off.

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