Eddie Munson, Guarding

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bit of a season 4 spoiler.

Dustin never intentially set up his sister and Eddie. He never thought by putting his older sister in charge of the teen fleeing from the police for a crime he did not commit. But, the group had agreed with Eddie's spontaneous and reckless nature, they should really have someone keep an eye on him as to not have him caught as of one of his own idiotic plans. She was nominated as they knew she would be able to control Eddie's madness. She was quite the opposite to Eddie. She was renound in school for never putting a foot out of line, she was the kind popular girl and often rsther quiet in the company of new people but very stern and head strong when she needed to be. So, the kids and Steve, Nancy and Robin decided the pair them together. Of course, she tried to resist to fate of being put in charge of Eddie. She argued and complained as she didn't want to miss spending time with her friends and family. But Dustin promised to do all her chores for the next five months as well as the others promising to call her over the radio at least twice a day. So, she finally agreed. She somehow ended up as Eddie Munson's guard.

Her and Dustin's aunt had a small house near Lovers Lake that her aunt had asked to check in on as she was in a long work trip for the month. Reluctantly, she allowed Eddie to hide out there. For the first days, the pair didn't talk, she made sure to spend all her time reading in her aunts room which she had claimed whilst he sat in the living room watching TV for most of the day. On the rare occasion she would have to leave (which wasn't that rare as Eddie would constantly complain that there were never enough snacks or food) she would always have to drag herself out of her room and force herself to make small talk with the boy. "I'm going out you want anything?" she asked only to be polite. "Apart from to come, no really," he joked but she didn't really react. He pleeded many times for her to allow him to leave the house in any way but she always denied. "A movie would be cool though, if you don't mind," he asked, adding the polite ending as the girl intriguiged but half sacred him with her often harsh gaze. "Let me guess, The Lost Boys?" she asked. "Let me guess, Thelma and Louise?" he mimicked. "I prefer Ghostbusters," she replied. "Well I prefer Look Who's Talking," he added. "Really? The film about the talking baby?" she asked bewildered. "I'm full of surprises," he smirked.

"Shut up," Robin stifled a laugh. "Seriously, he want Look Who's Talking," she laughed. "I like Look Who's Talking," Steve interjected. "Steve, you also say your favourite film is Grease, and not even the first one, the second one," She replied. "Plus it makes sense that Steve is into romantic crap, he's on a date more than he is at work at this point," Robin laughed. "I never guessed Eddie Munson would be a romantic comedy kind of guy," she said. "Well, you never guessed you'd be hiding a murder lead in your aunts house as you also help fight off an inter dimensional monster," Robin argued. "Well, see you guys, back to hiding a wanted man," she joked waving goodbye to her friends.

"Hey, you're back quick," Eddie greeted the girl. "Well, you know, having to be back to help hide a dude on the run does mean you have got to be quite quick," she smiled. "Do you want to watch a movie?" she asked. "You're actually talking to me?" he asked dramatically holding his hand to his chest with his mouth agape. "What can I say, Look Who's Talking really made you more approachable," she giggled. "Well, your not so welcoming yourself, with your scary stare," he imitated her harsh gaze causing her to laugh and blush slightly in embarrassment which in turn, made him also laugh.

Over the days after, she and Eddie grew closer: they spoke to each other more, they ate meals together, the watched TV together and even grew to enjoy one another's company. Eddie couldn't recognise the weird feeling he felt when he was around her, he was nervous but thrilled to be in her company and could not pin point why on earth he felt such a way. This was the Henderson boys older sister. She was someone his younger friend had put in charge of him as to not get him caught. She wasn't meant to be his friend, or anything beyond that. Though why he wanted it to possibly go beyond that he had no clue. She felt the exact same way. This was Eddie Munson, Dustin's odd older friend who he plays dungeons and dragons with. He was currently meant to be the bane of her existence. No one is supposed to care for the bane of their existence. That defeats the whole purpose of the bane part. Yet neither could reprease the feeling they held for the other.

"Dustin, dude, Dustin, you copy?" Eddie asked into the walkie talkie. "Eddie? Yeah I copy," thr younger boy was baffled. His sister was really the only on to communicate over the walkie talkie to the rest of the party, hell, he didn't even know Eddie knew how the thing worked. "Dustin, we got an issue over here," Eddie whispered trying not to gain the attention of thr biys sister. "What is it? Is it the police? Is she okay? Are you alright?" Dustin asked immediately jumping to a code red and thinking the worst as panic grew in the pit of his stomach. "No, possibly worse," Eddie replied. "What? Vecna? Dear God please tell me she's not been taken," the boy worried for his older sister. "No, no. But I do think I may have a crush on her," Eddie whispered. "What?" Dustin asked. "Don't make me repeat it you but head," Eddie whispered harshly not wanting her to know of his crush. "I don't know what's worse, you're terrible insult or the crush on my sister." Eddie sighed. He'd been pondering his weird feeling for days till he reached the conclusion that he did have feelings for thr girl. "What do I do?" Eddie asked. "I don't know dude," Dustin replied worriedly. "You're the one with a girlfriend!" Eddie whined. "Yes, you're asking the fifteen year old for relationship advice?" Dustin asked his confusion growing. "I don't know, shit, why is this so difficult?" Eddie grumbled. "I really do like her, Henderson. I don't know what to do about it though," Eddie groaned. The small laugh made Eddie look up to be met with the sight of her stood at the door way. His face turned to one of horror. "You're not a very quiet whisperer, you know," she smirked. "And I like you too, but head," she giggled. Eddie laughed slightly in pure relief and allowed a smile to spread over his face. "Eddie, can you possibly turn the walkie talkie off before you kiss my sister?" Dustin's voice said. "Oh shit, yeah sorry dude," Eddie apologised turning off the device.

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