Steve Harrington, Secret Boyfriend

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Steve Harrington never thought he'd ever have anything to do with the Byers family. Ever. Not even when he arrived at the family's home to apologise to Nancy. But, the story took a different turn to his plan in more ways than one. He didn't get Nancy back, instead he ended up being roped into the strange world of the Upsidedown. But he also got her, and he thought it made it all worth it. You see, in that crisis when she threw Steve the bat to protect himself after her brother dragged her away front the Demogorgons path, Steve seemed to see the pieces of the puzzle fall into place. It took for her until Steve stood by her side, holding her hand tightly as she watched her little brother struggle under the possession of the mind flayer to realise how much she cared for the Harrington boy.

She had walked Will to Hawkins middle school on the night of the snowball as to ensure he wouldn't be lonesome. Steve had noticed her bid her little brother goodbye, telling to have fun and seemed to form a plan. "Need a ride home?" he asked. "Oh no, your house is nowhere near mine," she said. It was true, the detour would add about twenty minutes to his journey home. "I'm gojng past anyway to stop by the grocery store," he lied. "Please, want you catching a cold," he smirked. "Fine, if you're going that way."

That night Steve had kissed her before dropping her off home. That night was the start of their secret romance.

She sat nuzzling into Steve's side as he lazily draped an arm around her shoulder. They sat on the couch watching Psyco. It had been a long day and the two of them just wanted to spend some time with each other. Steve  known about her live of old horror movies so rented Psyco from work and come over to her house with a large bag of popcorn and the VHS. "No, because I don't care what you say, ghostbusters two was no way near as good!" Dustin exclaimed barging onto the house, oblivious of his unlikely best friend and Will's sister. "I'm not saying it's better! I'm just saying it's not bad!" Mike argued. "Well I think it was okay," Will said trying to be civil. "Will don't even lie it was complete bullshit," Lucas said. "No it wasn't!" Mike exclaimed. At this point she and Steve had turned to each other in shock and horror. "shit," she whispered. "What are we going to do?" she asked, panicked. "It's going to be fine, I'm just going to sneak away," Steve tried to reassure her. Before she could object or question him further, Steve attempted to sneak like a ninja away rather unstealthy. Suddenly a scream came loudly from the TV snapping the group of boys from their argument in their own little world. They turned to be met with a rather strange sight. Wills older sister stood attempting to hide Steve who paused mid forward roll. The sight would have been amusing if it wasn't so shocking. "What the hell?" Dustin and Will asked in unison. At the same time, Jonathan and Nancy arrived home. "What on earth?" Jonathan question equally confused as everyone else. "This is great, whilst we're at it when's mom home?" she said sarcastically. As if on command, Joyce waltzed in juggling groceries. "Oh, Mrs Byers, let me help you with that," Steve offered as though it were the most casual thing in the world. She sighed at her idiotic yet lovable boyfriend. "Thank you Steve," she smiled, "But, um, what are you doing here?" Joyce inquired. "That's what we all want to know!" Will interjected, causing them all to look towards the girls still stood awkwardly in front of the TV. "I'll let Steve answer that one," she replied. The gazes all turned to Steve, "Oh, um, we are dating," he stretched out the sentence. "Like, biyfirned and girlfriend?" Lucas asked. "Yes, dummy, that's what dating means," Steve said. Jonathan sighed deeply routing around in his jacket pocket then handing ten dollars to Nancy who did a small celebration. She and Steve watched the interaction. "Did you bet on us?" she challenged her brother and friend. "No," Jonathan replied in a rather unconvincing tone. "You didn't see them getting together? Are you blind?" came a chorus of yells from the younger boys. Steve just laughed and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. "Well I think you two are a great match," Joyce smiled aprovingly.

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