Eddie Munson, Relief

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The concept is a vol 2 spoiler

She sat on her bed. Despite the room being littered with posters of her favourite celebrities and pictures of her friends and family she couldn't help but feel alone. A feeling that sat on her chest so forcefully, she could barely breathe. She was constantly reminded of him. The jacket on her floor, he had left here once and she'd kept it. The photo by the bed, her and Eddie. The Metallica record on the record player, the last record played that he had bought her. There was only the dim glow of her bed side lamp, the golden light seemed to contradict how she felt. She couldn't shift the horrible empty feeling without him. Her heart ached for Dustin Henderson, Eddie was his best friend. But Dustin Henderson's heart pained more for her. He hadn't heard from the usually talkative and open girl since he had to break the horrible news to her. She had broken down with Dustin as they both shared their grief for the boy they loved. She missed him more than ever in the small time that had passed since then. When he would hugher comfortingly and he would hold he tight and tell her she was safe and loved. When he would make her laugh till she cried when she was in a bad mood. When they would fall asleep with him holding her close after a tiresome day. When they would jsut sit and enjoy each others company on quiet days. She missed Eddie. She missed her Eddie. Throwing her head onto a pillow, she welcomed the newly familiar feeling of sadness that would wash over her whenever she thought about Eddie. She allowed the tears to flow rapidly. Clutching the pillow as if trying to get anywhere near as much comfort as Eddie would of given her if he were here. She fell asleep crying. She didn't know she had fallen asleep till she was awoken to the persistent sound of tapping at her window. For a minute she figured it was her mind playing a cruel trick on her in the form of a dream. She even pinched herself, but there was a clear pain from the pinch. She moved from her bed to open the window before sitting back on her bed, sighing when nothing happened. It probably had been all a trick of her mind. She jumped slightly at the silhouette that entered her room via the window. The dim golden grow illuminated half of the figure. The slightly curly and wavy mullet. The rings. The jacket with all the patches she had sewn on. The smile and kind eyes. Eddie. She embraced him tightly, not daring to let go. "Hey, hey, it's okay, I'm here," he said. Whispering the comforting words she had longed to hear as he held her close, kissing her hair. "I missed you," she smiled, the sad tears now replaced with one's of happiness and relief. "I missed you too," he smiled down at her.

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