Billy Hargrove, Suprise

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There were many things Billy missed about California. Surfing, the beach, the weather, but above all her. She was the only one he truly let in and as soon as he did, he moved to Hawkins. Here there was no surfing, no beach, no good weather and above all, no her. She missed him as much as he missed her. She missed him laugh. How he would lend her his denim jacket when she got cold. How if she asked he would never smoke a cigarette around her. That's why she decided to visit him. The drive was long and felt relentless, but to see Billy again, it was worth it. He had called her everyday since he had moved so she had his phone number. She'd called up and Amx had answered so she was able to get an address. Max agreed immediately after having complained that "Billy's is like grade A bitchy without you to tell him off, you'd be saving everyone."

She stood in his room, shifting her weight from foot to foot nervously as she waited for him to return from school. She noticed how at first glance the room reflected the first impression someone would get of Billy: the poster and the weights created the idea of the average asshole boy. But look closer and she could see fragments of the real Billy: a copy of Oliver Twist his mother had given him, a photo of him and his mother, and the necklace she had given him with their initials engraved into it. The sound of the front door slam made her jump slightly. "Max! Hey! Jesus Christ. Why have you got the run?" she heard Billy yell. The familiar red head opened the door quickly and grinned at her before shutting the door as quickly as she had opened it. "Hey, Max. What did I say about going into my room? Huh? Because I remember saying that you should stay the fuck-" he stopped as soon as he opened the door and was met with the sight of her. His eyes widened in shocked before a smile spread across his face. Billy ran to the girl picking her up and spinning her around giddily making her laugh." How they hell did you get here? When did you get here?" he asked laughing slightly through his confusion. "Thought you'd be missing me," she smirked. "Yeah, yeah I did miss you," he smiled nodding. "Me too," she nodded before Billy kissed her, his arm moving around her waist to pull her close as her hand cupped his cheeks. "That was a good surprise," he laughed.

𝓢𝓽𝓻𝓪𝓷𝓰𝓮𝓻 𝓣𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 𝓘𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓼 Where stories live. Discover now