Steve Harrington, It's Her

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Stranger things 4 spoiler.

Steve Harington had spent a long time searching for his dream girl. Countless dates. Countless girls. Countless fails. Robin would always find it hilarious to pick on him regarding his practically nonexistent love life. However the mention of any previous dates or girls would immediately stop when she would walk back into the room after collecting a VHS for a customer. "What you talking about?" she would ask, returning to her spot behind the counter. "Nothing." Steve and Robin would both say at the same time. Robin knew that she liked Steve. Robin has been close friends with her for years and was able to tell when her friend had a crush, but this crush on Steve seemed to have not faded away at all. She never would mention the excessive number of dates and girls as she didn't want her friend to be jealous or upset, especially over Steve. Steve was never sure why he denied Robin's teasings when she was present. It would almost occur as a reflex or muscle memory, but there were unknown intentions to it he would soon become apparent to.

Steve's reappearence from the darkness of the lake was so sporadic, it made her jump. She thanked God that he was okay. She was happy to see hik resurface from the inky blue water. But, as quickly as he had appeared, Steve disappeared, desperately attempting to resist the unknown force that seemed to drag him down. She stood up, slightly rocking the boat, peering over the side willing it to be a false alarm or some form of odd joke. After a mere two seconds, she immediately thought the worst. Without hesitation, she jumped into the lake, frantically looking for any sign of Steve or the upside down as she swam deeper and deeper into the abyss.

"Get. Off. Of. Him. You. Bitch." she said, swinging down an oar into the strange bat-like creature between each word. At this point, Nancy, Robin and Eddie had entered the upside down and had immediately followed her lead at defending themselves and helping Steve. The creatures hissed and dug their teeth deep into flesh. Several began to crowd round her but before they could even go to strike an oar came down on it with such force the thing let out a screech of pain before flying away. Steve beat all the creatures away, killing some in the process, before they could even try to harm her. She gave him a small nod of thanks which he reciprocated. When the five finally held some small upper hand, they bolted for the forest nearby. When they finally stopped, gasping for breath fhye became fully aware of their situation. "Holy shit, we're in the upside down," she spoke fastly between hurried brsths letting out a small laugh of shock. Steve went to laugh along with her but let out a small grunt capturing her attention. Turning to him, she noted the scarlet red on his stomach and on his hands where he was attempting to stop the bleeding. "Steve, Steve, stop." The boy listened to her instructions and removed his hand from the wound. She wripped the bottom of her t shirt off and began wrapping it around his stomach tightly to prevent possible further bleeding. It was at that moment when she looked up at him for a split second before continuing to scan him for other injuries that he knew. All those dates. All those girls. All those failed romances. She was there the whole time. The girl he was truly meant to be with, the girl who truly cared for him. Not the old Steve who thrived off of the degradation of others. Not the Steve who faked it all. Robin watched from afar,noticing how Steve's expression changed as he looked at the girl, one Robin had never seen when he looked at any of his dates. This look was actually genuine happiness. The earthquake interrupted the small sentimental moment between the two. She lost her footing slightly at the sudden movement and found herself falling backwards inky to be caught by Steve who held her close as to steady her slightly.

"Robin, Robin, hey slow down, Jesus do you walk fast," Steve yelled Jogging to catch up with his friend. "Robin, I did it," he smirked now having caught up to her and walking at her side. "Did what?" she asked confused. "Found the girl. It's her," Steve smiled looking ahead to see her talking with Nancy. "Thank God for that, you took forever to work that out," Robin laughed. "Huh?" it was now Steve's turn to be confused. "Come on, Steve. She liked you too," Robin watched as Steve's smiled grew and his gaze was purely locked on her.

"Okay guys, go for it," the muffled voice of Dustin came. She turned around to look at all her friends for assurance before glancing at Steve who gave her an encouraging smile. She drew out the two letters to spell the word high and waited for any form of reaction from Dustin. The dull sound of cheering caused a smile to spread across her face as she turned to the rest of the group who were all equally as happy. When Steve caught her eye they both seemed to grin even more.

She looked at the make shift rope in front of her then up to see the familiar kids offering her a nervous smile. As she went to start her climb she felt someone pull her back and was met to see Steve. "Just in case this doesn't work," he began, "Thanks for those encouraging optimistic words, Steve," she interrupted jokily. Steve managed a small laugh before looking at her. She seemed to mirror the way Steve was in a trance, both of them drunk on the other. "Jesus Christ, just kiss already!" Eddie yelled breaking the two from their spell. She blushed but Steve looked at her, grinned, and shrugged slightly before leaning in and kissing her. Cheering from both worlds as Dustin yelled about now not having a single mom as a babysitter and Robin yelling about finding the right girl. Steve pulled her closer, placing his hands on her hips and hers went to mess up his hair slightly. When they both pulled away they were both grinning at one another giddily. "See you on the other side," she smiled before resuming her climb.

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