Eddie Munson, Secret Relationship

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She an Eddie would never of been suspected of being a couple. She was a cheerleader and popular. He was the leader of the dungeons and dragons club and the biggest outcast of Hawkins high. The Queen bee and the freak. However it wasn't in any way simple. Her friends despite him and his despised her. They were both guilty by asocaition and aware that nothing would budge their friends views on the other. So they decided to keep it a secret.

"Hey," Eddie grinned at the sight of her, he always thought she was extremely pretty. "Hiya, Eds," she smiled back. Eddie leaned over the picnic table to kiss her causing her to giggle slightly. The pair often met in the woods near the school as people were scared of the abandoned Lab that was situated near it but the two were always so happy to see each other and spend time with one another that they never really cared. He gave her a small kiss on the cheek. "So, what have you done today?" he asked resting his chin in the palm of his hand as he stared at her lovingly. He listened to every word she said as she listed the things she did that day and happily told her what he had done when she reciprocated the question. The sound of the bell screeching brought the two back to reality having been lost in their own little world unaware of the passing time. "Lunch is over." Eddie stated, sad that time had passed so quickly. "Yeah." she sighed sharing the same longing for at least another five minutes. "Well, I've got to go, I've got art," she finally said breaking the sad silence that had fallen over the couple. He smiled, aware of how much she secretly loved art, one day he had found her sat in the empty school car park (pretending to wait for her mom to pick her up after cheerleading practice when her lift home was really Eddie after his D&D campaign) sketching. After this Eddie was the only one she ever showed her drawing to and he would always shower her art in as much compliments and he did her, and that was alot of compliments. "See you again tonight, my place, five?" he hoped she would agree as having to spend the afternoon ignoring each other killed him. "Sure," she tried to hide how excited she was knowing she'd see him again later. "Till then, mi amor," he smiled saluting to her as watched her go. "I thought you always sleep through Spanish?" she questioned. "I've got an image to ubtain," he justified, "Though just cause its you ill tell you that I secretly do listen," he smiled, "Only as the woo the lady," he added.

"Honey, I'm home!" Eddie yelled dramatically throwing his arms in the air as he did so. She rounded the corner of the small trailer to greet him. She ran into his open arms giving him a tight hug and soft kiss on the cheek. "Where the hell have you been? You told me five!" she yelled pretending to be mad but immediately breaking into a small when she saw how happily he gazed down at her. "Dustin wanted me to drop him at the family video," he began but the girl already knew why, "Steve," she laughed having heard many a stories about Eddie's secretive rivalry of Dustin's favourite babysitter between Steve and Eddie. "He worships the ground he walks on," Eddie laughed slightly. "Well, you've got better hair," she said, completely submissing the head of hair Steve Harrington was so known for. "Really?" he asked placing a hand to his heart pretending to be shocked but only grinning more at the compliment. "Totally, I can braid your hair for hours," she said kissing his nose to deliberately catch him by surprise. "Anyway, between death glares to the back of the King of Hawkins High, I picked up this," he produced a VHS from the pocket of his jacket. "Oh my goodness. The Eddie Munson was seen renting Pretty In Pink?" she asked slightly shocked. "Only for you, babe," he smiled kissing her having known renting her favourite film was bound to go down well.

At some point during the movie she had fallen asleep curled up slightly into his side. Eddie dare not move for fear of waking her knowing not only how peaceful she looked but that she would probably have to leave his side if she did. He kissed her lightly on the forehead, careful not to wake the girl. "Night, babe, love you," he whispered knowing full well the pair had never told each other that the feeling of love were reciprocated. She smiled slightly having woken up a few minutes ago but not wanting to leave and being too comfortable to move. "Love you too," she whispered almost silently as Eddie leaned into her embrace and welcomed sleep as she did.

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