Eddie Munson, Crush

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"Dustin, let's go!" she yelled out the window of her car impatiently honking the horn. Dustin sighed beofr running over to the passanger door of the beat up pick-up truck their uncle had gifted her when he changed his car. "Okay, geez, have you always got to be so embarrassing?" he asked. "Come on, you think I'm cool, don't lie." she teased. "You're no Steve," her brother argued smiling slightly. "No one could beat Steve," she laughed knowing how much her little brother loved the older boy. Driving off to the sound of Free Fallin' ad they both sang at the top of their lungs. Little did the sibling know that a certain dungeons and dragons fan and metalhead had watched the whole interaction, firstly drawn in by the voice of the girl he'd had a crush on for years and then admiring her loving relationship with her little brother making his already prominent crush grow.

"Look I'm just saying, there's no way you could single handedly beat the mindflayer," Dustin argued. "I could easily beat the Illithid," Eddie objected leaning back in his chair confidently. "Hey, Dustin,  I can't pick you up tonight cause I've got to make dinner and study and mom is at work so I don't know how you'll make it home after your hell fire meeting," she said appearing at her brothers side. Eddie's once cocky position immediately disappeared. "I can always drop him off at home, its no big deal, if that's okay with you though?" Eddie said not wanting to leave Dustin stranded but mainly wanting to help out his older sister. Dustin looked from his sister to Eddie hopefully, "Yeah, sure. But dinners on the table at half six, don't be late." she said pointing at her little brother who just swatted her finger away. "Now get back to your heated debate," she said leavijg to turn only for Dustin to call her back. "What?" she asked. "Eddie thinks he can single handedly beat the mindflayer." Dustin proposed still amused. She but back a laugh thinking of how horrifying the battle of Starcourt mall had been last year and how that contrasted Eddie's naivety. "Oh, Eddie, no." she said bluntly making her brother burst out into a fit of laughter whilst Eddie tried to hide the small blush of embarrassment. "You Henderson's are mean," he huffed accepting defeat. "Yeah, but you love them," Mike yelled loudly causing Eddie to nudge him hard in the chest. The comment went straight over her head as she waltzed away having bid goodbye to her brother and his friends to go sit at her own table. "You like my sister," Dustin randomly said. Eddie didn't know what to say. He didn't know if his younger friend would approve or not so just anxiously nodded silently. Dustin's face changed to show no emotion whatsoever. "That's pretty cool. Rather her be with you that some weird guy I don't know." Dustin said after a long pause. "What instead just a weird guy you do know?" Mike interjected again, his comment once again being met with an elbow in the rib cage.

Eddie made sure to end the hellfure meeting at quarter past six. Leaving just enough time as to not be late but also to not drop Dustin off too early for his dinner. When he pulled his beloved and slightly run down van outside of the Henderson household she was sat on the front steps leading up to the house reading a book. At the sound of a car she looked up and waved to Eddie and Dustin. Dustin ran over to his sister and began to whisper in her ear. As Eddie went to drive off he heard Dustin loudly shout to him. "Hey, Eddie. Do you like pasta?"

"Thank you for inviting me," Eddie smiled thankfully. "Thank you for dropping off Dustin." Dustin decided not to argue and instead tell the truth, "Plus you'd of just gone home to a single can of baked beans so really, she's made you slightly healthier." Eddie kicked Dustin under the table lightly. "Anyway, how was your day?" Dustin asked his older sister. "Okay, how was your day?" she asked looking between Eddie and her little brother who both nodded agreeing it was an averagely alright day. The three continued to make lighthearted and cheerful conversation as time passed them by quickly. She couldn't tell why the three of them together felt so comfortable as why she kept glancing over at Eddie as she watched him smile or laugh making her even happier. But Dustin noticed.

"You like him." Dustin said out of nowhere. "Jesus, Dustin. Give a little warning beofe you sneak up on a girl. I could've thought you were a demogorgon or something." she snapped. "Really, your little brother, a demogorgon." he sounded unamused, obviously disgarding such accusations. "Besides the point, you have a crush on Eddie," he repeated. She stood there silently as if finally computing what all those glances and butterflies in her stomach when she caught him looking at her meant. "Admit it," he smirked. "Keep your voice down, I don't know if he feels the same," she shushed. "Well, I've got high hope," Dustin said letting on he knew more thna he would admit.

"Thank you for coming, Eddie. It was really nice." she honestly said. "Yeah, be nice to do it again some time," Eddie tedred the water, praying she'd agree as he didn't think he would be able to mask the disappointment very well. "Yeah, totally, me and you, she said catching on to what Dustin had been implying earlier. "Okay, yeah," he smiled. "It's a date, see you soon," he bid her goodbye. "It's a date, see you Eds," she replied waving as he left. When she shut the door she was met with a madly grinning Dustin. "So, a date," he joked. "Oh, shut up," she argued not being able to hold back he own smile.

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