Chapter - 83

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P.S: thank you and love you all for the unconditional love you have showered on Yash and Anjali. MIPA has reached 300K reads. Feeling blessed.❤️❤️❤️😘😘

Recap: Yash refuses to help Vinitha and gives a warn 


Yash was in his office with Rishi. He was raged that all the leads of finding Varushini went to a dead end and Nanda could not get her whereabouts. Rishi had spoken to Tiwari's assistant and had given an appointment to meet Yash since the minister was stubborn. Yash was in the conference room and Rishi walked in with Tiwar's assistant.

T. Ass: Good morning sir.

Yas: Morning. what is the urgency to meet now ? 

T Asst: Sir, minister wanted to inform you that he wants 200 crore for the elections.

Yas: 200 crore ? 

T Asst: Yes sir. The entire nation has the talk of your venture now. Sure you will wash out every firm to dust once you inagurate yours so you will get profits in millions and this amount should be very less for you.

Yash and Rishi clenched their fist and saw each other.

Yas: What else he wants ?

T Asst: You will meet him in his office for a dinner which will gain him public attention. Attend few cabinet minister's son /daughter wedding.

Yas: If central minister demands is this much what about the state ? Do you think they will be quite watching me giving you so much ?

T Asst: State will get profited in many ways so they should compromise with you. If required minister will speak with them.

Yas: Right now I m travelling out of country. I will come back to meet you once I m back.

After the meet the assistant left and Yash called Aryan.

Yas: Aryan, did you get Tiwari's swiss details ? that bloody scoundrel wants 200 crore from me.

Ary: Goyyala, We should kill him. Greedy dog. What did you reply him ?

Yas: I m going out of country so I will get back to him after my return.

Ary: Good, I think that time is sufficient for me to get his details. I spoke to one of the hackers from Italy. I promised to pay him for getting the details.

Yas: Good, Let Ranjith and Nanda follow up with the details and later we could conclude the trap for him.

Ary: Be ready for his counter attack too.

Yas: Yep, I will take care.

After his call with Aryan he saw Rishi staring at him.

Yas: Enna da ?

Ris: Nee hero va illa villain ah ?

Yas: As of now a romantic hero going on honey moon with my love wife. After my return sure I will be a villain.

Ris: Seri, namma new Executive officers vandhutanga. Shall we meet ?

Yash and Rishi retured to his Yash room and soon Anjali came in with Dhiya and Nila.

Anj: Yash, see who is here ? Sudden visit. Surprise la ?

Yas: Aama ma. Surprise dhan but unakku mattum.

Anj: why me alone ?

Yas: Because, Dhiya and Nila are officially employed in YM groups from today. Nila will be the head of Financial team and Dhiya is the executive head of planning and Research.

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