Chapter - 91

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Note: Yesterday's update did not reach the regular votes. Please don't forget to vote....❤️. Your votes and comments are the only encouraging force for me. Sorry for late update got stuck in personal commitment.

Recap: Eshwar plans to take Yash with him to Zimbabwe for special training along with his meeting with other club owners from across the world.


When you are left to live a lone time missing the person who you are addicted with love, sure life can't be miserable than anything else. Even the full moon which appeared to be the most beautiful sight once would just give pain. The once beautiful flowers in the garden looks like lost in colors. The mornings cannot be worse than ever and nights would not be awful than anything.

Since one week Yash left with Eshwar, Anjali was living a terrible life. She was exactly a zombie within the two days missing him. She had been addicted to sleep cuddling him and she could not sleep without his embrace. The rocking chair which they used to cuddle together, the couch where they made passionate love just made her cry for him. All her favourite food has turned sour and looking at his photo at the night stand she could only sob in silent.  

She refused Dhiya and Nila to stay in her room considering their privacy with Rishi and Nanda. She wore his favourite shirt to feel his presence close to her which gave a relief to some extent. Every time she went to his room at office she could feel his cologne that hit her nostrils. The walls which he had always pinned her, the couch and the desk where he had taken her breathe out of her lungs with his kisses, his comfy seat where she sat on his lap everything only made her senses yearn for him more.

She managed to keep herself busy at work to some extent but still missing him was evident on her face. Her friends tried their best to cheer her with favourite ice creams, chocolates and foods but they could feel the fake smile she was trying for their sake.

She would wait for his call and she made sure of hiding her dark circles before the video call from Yash at nights. They talked for a long time and both would rant about the day's happenings.

Eshwar introduced Yash to all his fellow mates of kickboxing of his time and Yash got in their good books with his introvert and humble attitude. Eshwar made sure of Yash meeting one of the trainers each day and he could learn more of the latest stunts. His day was quite busy with them but Anjali never left his mind. He would take out his mobile and open his personal gallery which had enormous of their photos which kept him sane from her thoughts. 

He knew she would miss him and he would call her at every possible time and spoke with her. He had one of her night dress which he hugged to his chest. Inhaling it he felt an inner peace from her fragrance. Anything he saw over there reminded her of her. After speaking to Anjali he would be looking at the doll Anjali had gifted him. They had to survive another two weeks with this pain of missing.


Tiwari and Goutham were at a private bar drinking alcohol where they met for a quick discussion of executing their plan. Goutham had given him 50 crores as initial payment and agreed to help him in his elections.

Gou: Yash is not in country and this is the time to start our plan.

Tiw: My assistant will guide you to contact the person who would execute your plan. Obviously they will need money and once they are fed work will be done.

Gou: It should be executed overnight and just a day his project should be banned.

Tiw: I will speak to the opposition party to take our side once the news is out. So any of the government will not support him. 

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