Chapter - 135

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Recap: Yash and Nanda get Goutham under their custody. Anjali and Ansh are trapped by Varuhsini.


Anjali took Ansh in her hands and kissed his forhead as she broke down completely. She searched for her mobile and could not find it.  

After locking Goutham in a cell Yash felt omnious. A terrible fear crept in his heart ripping his soul. He took his mobile and called Anjali but her number was not reachable. He tried Nila but hers too was not reachable. Panick set in him and he called the landline but there was no response. He informed Nanda to call the security but none of their number was reachable.

They rushed out of the cell and Nanda ignited the engine and drove at the maximum speed towards the mansion. Yash called the police and informed them to reach his mansion sensing the danger. The commissioner was alerted on the emergency and forces was sent to YM Mansion.

Unknown tears escaped from his eyes. 

Nan: Sir, they will be safe please don't worry. We will reach soon. 

Yash was trying their numbers non-stop.

Varushini left the mansion and removed the jammer before she left. Nila was taken along with them in the car she drove to the mansion. Yash was praying every god to keep her safe. After a long try Anjali's mobile started ringing he was screaming in his mind for her to pick the call. They were almost 300 metres to reach the mansion but they saw a huge fire and smoke in the sky. 

Yash dropped his mobile in fear. A deadly fear that he had never felt in all his life. His hands and legs started trembling. Both men were crying unknowingly still Nanda increased the speed and stopped the car abruptly as they saw the mansion blasted on fire. Crowd watching with fear and none had guts to move near. Police were chasing the public from the site. Yash and Nanda jumped from the car and rushed towards their destroyed mansion. Police stopped them but Yash was screaming Anjali and Nila's name. Both men were stopped by the police.

Pol: Its highly dangerous you cannot go inside. Fire engine are on way to put down the fire.

Yas: Leave me you fucking bastard..En wife, sister and my child were inside. I need to find them.

Pol: sir, I can understand please wait for the fire brigade to do the rescue operation.

Yas: Just leave me now. I said leave me before I kill you all. I need to see my family.

Nan: Dey vidungada I will save them myself.

Pol: Sir, try to understand please. commissioner has given special permission to handle this. We will do everything from our side.

Nan: vidra enna..

The fire engines arrived and the brigades started their rescue operation. Yash and Nanda turned a beast and broke from the holds of the police and ran into the mansion not minding the loud screaming of the crowd and police.

All the news channel were telecasting the live of the burning mansion. Abhimanyu, vinitha, Rishi and Dhiya watched the news and called Nanda and Yash but none answered their calls. They immediately started to arrive at the spot. Abhimanyu and Vinitha reached first and  got the information that both Yash and Nanda were in search of Anjali and Nila. Dhiya called Vinitha and got the information. Both Rishi and Dhiya were devastated on hearing and took the immediate flight to reach.

The brigades, Yash and Nanda madly searched for any life between the burning building they could not find anybody Most of the mansion was crumbled and they tried removing the blocks.

Nanda and Yash was going mad lifting every block of the building. Hours passed and it was morning but they could not find anybody. All they cold see was the ashes everywhere. One of the police came to Yash and Nanda who still did not give up searching.

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