Chapter - 123

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Recap: Nanda kills Tiwari and later Yash and Nanda meet Abhimanyu and confront about Varushini's pregnancy.


Days passed and Yash was under complete rest at home and Anjali stayed with him as Yash did not want to her strain travelling to office. Rishi, Dhiya and Nila took care of the business and Juno had become an important person since she started handling all the jobs that Anjali was doing. Yash worked on his mails and supported working from home.

Yash made sure Anjali was having healthy food and tablets regularly. Both took care of each other and they enjoyed this phase of pregnancy. Anjali would feel sleepy and he let her sleep as much she wanted. In all these he never missed teasing her and they enjoyed their hugs and kisses and a little foreplay as Anjali turned out a cock blocker considering his health.

Nanda had his men and special guards at mansion and at office before he left on a mission Yash had assigned him. He was completely busy and found time at night to join a chat with family. Yash and Anjali often spoke to Meera and Vinitha checking on their well being.

Meera was taking care of Vinitha since she was in her final trimister of pregnancy. Varushini found every way to annoy them but they turned deaf to her and enjoyed each others company. Vinitha informed Yash about Varushini's annoying behaviour and he called Abhimanyu and informed him to take Varushini to a different place or to the penthouse she stayed earlier. So Abhimanyu decided to follow his words and called Varushini to speak on that.

Var: Tell me baby I would love to sit and chat all day with you or even more.

Abhi: Listen, I think you should shift back to penthouse. I will make all arrangements and additional caretaker for you.

Var: Why ? Are you not happy with me staying here ?

Abhi: This is not being happy. Its about being in a healthy environment. Vinitha is in her last phase of pregnancy and she needs a stress free environment and you too need one. You all being under one roof doesn't do any good for both of your child. I cant just like that ignore her. She is carrying the heir of my family, my grandchild. I have some responsibility and can't keep running away.

Var: So, whose heir am I carrying ? Do you want to prove them that I m your mistress by letting me stay away from you in a penthouse ? Do I and our child doesn't deserve any legal rights of being with you ? I am ready for having a family with you legally and everytime you keep distance with me. I m trying my best to work our relation and why don't you understand and give a chance to us completely ?

Abhi: For heaven sake can you try to understand and stay away until she gives birth ?

Var: No, I m not going anywhere. 

She stomped away leaving him frustrated. Abhi called Yash and informed him about  her behaviour.

Yas: Fine then, you leave the Residence for some days. Tell her that you are going on a business trip and stay at some of your resort and don't return until I say.

Abhi: Vinitha is due anytime and I wish to see the child also Vinitha and Meera need someone to take care.

Yas: You can come that time. For time being move out from there. 

Abhi: As you say. 

Next day Abhi informed everyone about his business trip and left the residence. Yash called his person at the Residence and informed to take care of Meera and Vinitha and to be alert and watch Varushini's every activity.

Two days later Vinitha was sitting in the garden and informed the maid to get her juice. Varushini walked into the kitchen and mixed harmful drug in the juice and left without anyone noticing. The juice was given to Vinitha and before she could drink she got a call from Anjali and she started pacing slowly. After her call she was about to drink the juice but her mother gave a sudden visit and hugged her happily. Vinitha passed the juice to her mother and she too drank it. Within few minutes she fell holding her stomach in pain. Vinitha started screaming and Meera rushed to her and saw her mother in pain.

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