Chapter - 105

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Recap: Vinitha provokes the insecurities of Anjali. Later Yash comforts Anjali.


Rishi, Dhiya, Nanda and Nila returned home after a honeymoon week. Yash and Anjali received them and the couples gave their gifts to Yash and Anjali. They had their dinner together and once Anjali went to room Yash informed them about Vinitha's arrival and Anjali's mind upset to them. 

Dhi: See, this is why I wanted to stay back in mansion Rishi. I cannot leave Anjali alone. She is disturbed a lot. Atleast Yash oda tournament mudiyura vara we need to stay with her. She is very fragile. 

Nil: Why did that idiot come here first place ?

Yas: To flaunt her pregnancy to Anjali. She is jealous of us and trying to hurt Anjali mentally.

Nan: We should inform the guards to restrain anyone to enter the mansion in our absence. None should be allowed to meet anjali in private.

Dhi: We are back and we shall take care of her. Yash now relax and start your focus on training. Just days are left. You should get back to the club. 

Nan: Yes sir, you have less time left and should concentrate on training now. 

Yas: I know you guys will take care and I will start my practice again. Eshwar sir has called me already. 

Ris: Election results are in two days Yash. Tiwari should be monitored closely.

Nan: I will take care of it sir don't worry.

Yas: The survey is cut and clear that the opposition will make a clean sweep this time.

They retired to their rooms after a good chatting. Yash saw Anjali asleep already and did not disturb her and just laid next to her and saw her face which reflected worries.

Yas Mv: Yendi ippadi kashta padure. unna ippadi pakka romba kastama irukku di. 

He kissed her forehead and slept with her in his arms.


Two days later the election results were announced and the opposition made a clean sweep across the country. Tiwari's party lost almost every constitution and many lost even the deposits. The party was annoyed beyond limits on Tiwari for being the first and foremost reason for the party to lose the election.

Tiwari was still in the farm house and he looked a mess from all the chaos happened. He was watching the news live feed which telecasted the opposition party celebrating their win. He turned to his henchman who was staring at the television.

Tiw: I want to destroy him the same way he did to me. I want him to turn into ashes. Nothing should be left to him and he should go through every pain like me. I will give all my money to destroy him. Find out every details of him and his family. 

Hench man: Ji, I will collect all details but he will be alert right now and will be monitoring us clearly so we need to wait and attack him.

Tiw: Don't tell me excuses just find out his whereabouts and I will tell the plan to kill him.

Hench man: Ok sir, as you wish. I will send our men to carryout the work.

Tiw: Wait for me Yash. You will never be happy and I will destroy you. 

Tiwari shouted like a mad man and broke all the things around him . Hench man stood watching him to vent out his anger and once he settled on the couch panting he moved from the place and called his few men and gave them the task to collect every details of Yash and his family members.

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