Chapter 3

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The kids got into the Changing Tree and changed into their skintight uniforms of different colors.

Calvin- red

Sam- green

Charles Wallace- blue

"Almost ready" said Charles Wallace.

"Arms in, Warriors" said Sam.

The Warriors put their arms out in front of them and said their oath.

Calvin: Any time!

Charles Wallace: Any place!

Sam: The Three Warriors...

All: Are on the case!

Then they hurried to Chad's apartment.

"Oh my gawrsh! This place really is destroyed" said Sam.

"And that's not all, kids. Read these riddles" said Jeremy.

Calvin read the first riddle.

"What's black and white and red all over?" he read.

"How stupid does that Riddler think we are?" said Sam.

"Chad and I were able to get the answer to that one ourselves, Sam. The newspaper" said Jeremy.

"What's the Riddler trying to do? Force Meg to attack the journalists?" said Charles Wallace.

"There's another one. What has leaves and branches but no bark?" said Calvin.

"Uh-oh. Now this is a tough one. I'm already scratching my head" said Charles Wallace.

"Leaves and branches but no bark..." Sam whispered.

"Blimey! I have it! A book has leaves" said Chad.

"Yes, but a book doesn't have branches" said Jeremy.

"But a library does!" said Sam.

"Newspaper... library. I'm pretty sure we never find the paper in a library" said Calvin.

"Perhaps the riddle was substituting it in for a book" said Jeremy.

"Unless it's leading us to the one who might have kidnapped Meg" said Sam.

"Even the Riddler isn't that thick. He's probably trying to fool you" said Chad.

"No, Chad, his riddles almost always lead us to exactly what he's doing" said Calvin.

"My goodness, that sounds kind of silly. It's almost as if he wants you to beat him" said Jeremy.

"No, they're also used to lure us into a trap" said Sam.

"Oh, blimey. I hope that Riddler didn't use more riddles to lure Meg away from my apartment" said Chad.

"If anything, he probably gave them to her in person if the place is like this" said Calvin.

"Come on, C n' J. We got a mystery to solve" said Charles Wallace.

"You want us to come?" said Jeremy.

"Yeah. Let's go to Gotham City and see Commissioner Gordon" said Sam.

"He'll know what to do" said Calvin.

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