Chapter 21

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Mary was about to chop a tomato.

"Here, let me help you with that, ma'am" said Robin.

He was frightened about Mary's blood drinking thing, but he still wanted to be a gentleman. 

"Oh, thank you, dear" said Mary.

As Robin chopped the tomato, he cut his finger. 

"Ow!" he yelped.

Sam sprang up and went to see if he was okay.

"You okay?" she asked.

"I'm okay" said Robin.

He was about to grab a paper towel to stem the bleeding, but Mary stopped him.

"Don't do that. I'll take care of it" she said.

Robin accepted and Mary put her mouth on his cut.

Sam and Robin both thought she was trying to kiss it, but she started sucking his finger.

"Sam!" Robin cried.

Sam gave Mary a hard smack across the face and she regained control.

"Problem solved" said Sam to Robin.

"That's not exactly what I was expecting. A smack doesn't usually come in handy in Batfights" said Robin.

"Well, it's how I broke up with Murray before" said Sam.

"Golly, Sam..." whispered Robin as he bandaged his finger.

"Oh my gawrsh! I just thought of something" said Sam.

"What?" said Robin.

"This is totally the mistake those villains made. What if they kidnapped our guys so this woman can drink their blood" said Sam.

"Holy jigsaw puzzles, Sam! You put that together pretty fast" said Robin.

"Hey. It's me" said Sam making Robin laugh.

Mary got up and said "what's the meaning of this?" 

"Alright, Bloody Mary. Where have you got my husband?" said Sam.

"Your husband? I don't follow you" said Mary.

"We know you helped Gotham's greatest criminals kidnap her husband and Harriet Cooper and Patty Lane and many others so you can suck their wounds" said Robin.

Mary let her face drop.

"Well, did you?" said Sam.

"I did, but I didn't help them by choice" Mary confessed.

"What do you mean?" said Robin.

"I was forced to help them so that they could fool the Dynamic Duo into thinking I did it" said Mary.

"Well, where did you take them to? And take us there. We can't let this go on" said Sam.

Mary gestured for them to follow her.

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