𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸 - 𝙴𝚜𝚌𝚊𝚙𝚎 ⚠️

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Oymyakon, Russia

Hydra Base

The stench of stale smoke and vodka hit me before the echoing of boots on concrete did, not that it mattered, I knew who was coming. Only one person was allowed to walk freely down here. Raising myself slowly from the relatively dry spot on the stone floor, I stood awaiting the short burly man that was fast approaching my cell.

Staring emptily at the opposite wall, I did not acknowledge him, awaiting instruction.

"Gotov soldat?" (Ready soldier?)

"Gotovy." (Ready.)

Washington D.C., USA

12 hours later

Lowering myself gently onto the roof of one of the many high-rise apartment buildings situated on Capitol Hill, I immediately retracted my wings, relishing in the feeling of silk like feathers on my skin. One of the 'gifts' so generously bestowed upon me. Due to the fact that I had no access to a mirror of any kind I'd never truly seen them, nor my reflection for that matter but from what I could see, they were chalk white and quite frankly, beautiful.

The sight of another figure emerging from behind an air vent a couple of feet away brought me out of my thoughts and back to the present moment. Allowing another of my 'gifts' to take over, I became nothing but a shadow.

Edging toward the fire door, which just so happened to be the only entry/exit to the building from the roof, the crunching of gravel beneath my feet alerted the unknown person to my location. Freezing momentarily, I watched as another figure suddenly appeared beside the first and the unmistakable sound of two guns being cocked pierced the nights silence. Their presence explained why the trip here had been a blur of orders. I wasn't directly told, but I'd overheard a few of my handlers whispering on the jet that there were concerns another organisation had operatives on the targets. Looks like they were right.

Despite the fact that the shadows concealed me completely at the moment, my power did not make me completely invisible, if they were to shine any sort of light my way I was done for so it was best I didn't stick around to introduce myself. Slowly and as light footed as I could, I slipped through the propped door and down the stairs.

Muffled chatter and the hollow beat of some sort of rap song was all that could be heard as I quickly maneuvered myself through the multiple hallways of the penthouse I now found myself in. Following the voices, I slowly approached the grand double doors that lead to a dimly lit room currently housing my unsuspecting targets. Positioning myself carefully to get a good look through the gap of the slightly ajar doors, I allowed myself a few moments to fully assess the rooms layout.

☞ ☞ ☞

Five corrupt politicians, meeting for a weekly poker game was not a typical mission. It was too easy. Quite frankly, it wasn't worth the risk of me being sent into the field. This time however, it seemed they wanted to send a message, and that, well, that was something I could not be beaten at. Closing my eyes briefly, I began to empty my mind.

Letting out a deep breath, I kicked the door clean off its hinges, stepping calmly over the threshold. Before the security guards positioned at each exit had time to draw their weapons their limp bodies dropped, one by one to the floor, dead. Each lay with a single bullet hole to the head.

The room seemed to still as those sat around the poker table stood abruptly, eyes flicking from one another to their fallen friends around them in panic before finally coming to rest on me.

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