𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟸 - 𝚂𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚔 𝚃𝚘 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙿𝚕𝚊𝚗 ⚠️

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The sound of Anthony hammering away at the metal of the suits helmet, moulding it into the correct shape, brought me out of my slumber. Since my legs were shot we'd begun taking rest breaks in shifts to avoid pissing them off again. So far it had kept their chasing at bay but the past few visits had once again began to grow in tension.

Dusting myself off I shuffled carefully over to him as he drown the helmet in a cold water bath before setting it on the table in front of Yinsen. Catching sight of me Anthony began wrapping his hands to "Ree, it's time."

That was all I needed to hear to move as fast as I could toward them, assisting Yinsen with suiting Anthony up.

"Okay? Can you move? Yes? Okay, say it again." Yinsen hurried out.

"41 steps straight ahead. Then 16 steps, that's from the door, fork right, 33 steps, turn right." Anthony recalled easily.

A deafening banging on the hanger door felt like an adrenaline shot to my body. The fact that I was able to hear the chaos outside was proof enough that something big was about to happen since my hearing still hadn't fully returned. Yinsen began shouting something in which I believe was Hungarian. He must have been trying to coax them to come in as the moment the door began to slide open it completely exploded sending a violent shake through the cave.

"Nice." I smirked. "Hey, let me finish it for you. Okay initialise the power sequence, function 11, progress bar...got it. Control "l" and enter. Yinsen can you button him up please? Every other hex bolt."

"They're coming!" He shouted back, pushing us all to pick up the pace.

"Nothing pretty Yinsen, just get it done. Just get it done. Make sure the checkpoints are clear before you follow me out, okay?"

"We need more time. Hey, I'm going to go buy you both some time." Yinsen called as he ran off toward the door.

I screamed after him as Anthony cried "Stick to the plan! Stick to the plan!" But it was too late, he ran out of the cave picking up a gun from one of the dead guards before shooting aimlessly out into the corridor to slow down anyones approach.

☞ ☞ ☞

With the added pressure of Yinsen being so exposed I continued to get the suit set up for Anthony as quickly as I could. "Anthony, powers full, go! I'm right behind you." I bellowed.

His suit lights flickered on and dimmed once again just as more men arrived, only to be blasted back by Anthony. He continued to attack anyone that came our way as we left the cave. Following Yinsens lead I grabbed a fallen guards gun as I followed, being shielded slightly behind the suit.

"Yinsen!" I screamed, turning the corner to find him on the ground, up against the wall. Blood covering his front.

"Watch out!" He called as I spun around to find the man responsible for the shots to my legs, stood at the mouth of the cave aiming to shoot me once more. Anthony didn't give him a chance to pull the trigger as he let off another blast from the suit causing a small explosion, knocking the man out and yet again, made my ears scream.

"Come on." Anthony opened his helmet to speak to Yinsen. "We've got to go. Move for me, come on. We got a plan. We're gonna stick to it."

"This was always the plan, Stark."

"Come on, you're gonna go see your family. Get up." I begged.

"My family is dead. I'm going to see them now. It's okay. I want this. I want this." He looked between us with a slight smile and a twinkle in his eye. This was what he had wanted all along.

"Thank you for saving us." Anthony mumbled.

"Don't waste it. Don't waste your lives." He whispered. And just like that he died in my arms. Like someone had flipped a switch, I could no longer feel my injuries nor was I paying attention to the fact that my ears had begun to bleed after the last explosion went off and I could now hear next to nothing

To ensure we saved the suits power I took out the rest of the guards while Anthony shielded me until we reached the caves exit.

"My turn." Anthony mumbled as he powered up his blasters once more, taking out multiple assailants at one. The moment the suit began taking damage it was time to get out of here.

"Do it Anthony, I'm right behind you." I screamed out.

He hit the button and shot up in the air. Just as he left the ground, I released my wings, something I haven't done for a few years, before flying after him but not before getting caught by a stray bullet to the stomach.

I managed to crash into the sand next to Anthony and the now destroyed suit a few moments later with a groan. "Fuck." I mumbled as I quickly put pressure on the new bullet wound.

☞ ☞ ☞

I'll don't think that I'll ever be able to explain how I managed to get myself onto my feet and to walk through the desert in my state.

Everything hurt, I was utterly exhausted and I could now feel the blood trickling in my ears. Not a good sign.

Noticing Anthony waving, I turned to watch three military helicopters approach. Relief washed over me instantly as the closest began to land. Knowing we were saved, my body finally gave up as I collapsed down beside Anthony.

I could just make out my brother throwing up a stupid peace sign as Rhodes and the rest of my team ran over to us. I could no longer hear anything at this point and my vision had started to dip but I just read Rhodes lips as he said, "How was the 'fun-vee'? Next time, you ride with me, okay?" before I blacked out.

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