𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟸 - 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙵𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚝 𝙲𝚞𝚝 𝙸𝚜 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚎𝚎𝚙𝚎𝚜𝚝⚠️

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Lifting my head from my cubby, I watched as Meredith entered the locker room with purpose, her powerful strides taking her directly to the notice board. Peaking my interest, I moved to read over her shoulder as she proceeded to pin up a 'Roommates Wanted' sign amongst the multiple fliers for fire safety and employee reminders. I smirked as read through her requirements, they weren't exactly the norm considering all she'd stated was there were to be no smokers, no bush supporters and strictly no pets.

Clearing my throat, announcing my presence she jumped slightly. "Non-Bush supporters huh? That a deal breaker?" I joked as I walked out to find Bailey, very aware of the glare Meredith was burning into my back.

Turning the corner to the nurses station, I locked eyes with none other than the Nazi herself only to be brought to a stop by someone calling me. "Dr Stark!" Backtracking a few steps in an attempt to find the source, I watched one of Baileys eyebrows slowly rise to a point. One of the nurses, Tyler, suddenly popped out of a patients room bringing my attention to him. "Hi, I'm so sorry to ask - I need to roll my patient, he's pulled his catheter out and he's tangled up his IVs and-" he was clearly getting flustered and by the way he looked at anything but me, a bit panicked about asking for my help.

"Wow, slow your roll Ty - go grab some new sheets and a cath bag. I'll sort out his wires and re insert the catheter tube and then we'll roll him together and switch out the sheets." He stared at me with a slightly open mouth.

"Okay?" I checked, a little confused at this reaction.

Shaking his head he grinned before running off to get what we needed. I entered the room with a placid smile, grabbing the patients chart from the bottom of his bed. After a quick skim through the notes the nurses had been leaving, this guys seems to be being a pain in the ass.

"Alright Mr Pearson-" I began as I slipped on a pair of gloves "-heres how this is going to go. I'm going to reinsert your catheter and untangle the multiple wires around you and you're going to behave. Once we've done that your nurse is going to come back in and we'll roll you to get these sheets changed." The now clearly irate old man in front of me opened his mouth to respond however I was quick to put a hand up to stop him. "I don't want to hear it. You either cooperate or you're going to slowly start feeling the pain the medication that was flowing through the IV you've pulled out was numbing. Stop giving the nurses a hard time, they're here to help - if you don't want to be helped then I'll grab you some discharge papers and get you on your way."

He opened his mouth once more before closing it again a few times while his cheeks began to glow a light pink. I watched as his jaw clenched and his attention was suddenly pulled to the sky outside the window. There may be a possible complaint coming my way after this but as far as I'm concerned, if the nurses are left alone, I'll take the brunt of it. Without another word or a glance in my direction I nodded and quickly tidied up the mess he'd made along with Tyler once he returned.

Throwing my gloves into the bin on my way out Tyler followed closely behind. "Thank you Dr Stark, I really appreciate the help."

Turning to him as we approached the nurses station and in turn a glaring Bailey, I grabbed the patients chart from Tyler to save him a job by writing out what actions were carried out. "Its fine Ty it my job and just call me Sophie, I don't really care for the formality when we're not around patients." I shrugged.

"Alright well then thanks, I think you're the first intern to ever help me change a patients bed sheets and not make snide comments about a nurses job while doing it."

Rolling my eyes I looked up to meet his gaze. "If you're capable of getting your doctorate you're capable of changing a bed. You need help, you call me, I've told you all that before - it's why my pager number is on a sticky note right here." I told him as I leant over the desk pointing to the notes location. Flipping the chart closed, now updated with my notes I handed it over to Tyler with a smile before turning to face Dr Bailey.
She stood in front of me but didn't utter a word, just merely stared me down or should I say stared up, given I was at least a foot taller than her. I kept direct eye contact and a calm expression on my face, before I heard the rest of my troop bumbling their way over talking about Meredith's roommate ad.

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