𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟶 - 𝚂𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚔 𝙼𝚎𝚍𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚕

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Other than my daily tasks I mostly found myself working in the lab both with and without Anthony. I'd been making notes, jotting down ideas and designing medical equipment and other bits and pieces throughout the last year based on my experiences and those that I'd treated out in the field. Now that I was home I began researching and creating prototypes of some of the equipment I'd designed, including an improved prosthetics that would connect to any viable nerves when being worn, thus giving the wearer more control. It took a few weeks, but I finally felt confident in what I'd achieved, and I wanted to approach Anthony with my proposals.

Since Pepper was his assistant and managed the majority of his affairs, I asked her to join us. It wasn't formal in any way, just a causal meeting in Anthony's home office.

Ultimately, I wanted to start a solo company, still under the umbrella of Stark Industries however this would be my company alone, well at least for the time being. I would design and manufacture improved and more advanced prosthetics and other medical equipment with the aim that products would be available to everyone with the implementation of legal clauses in all agreements with insurance companies and participating hospitals.

I presented them both with the numbers to show that I was asking for 20 million dollars from Anthony as my start up, repaying this with a 35% increase once the company's net earnings hit profit.

Both Pepper and Anthony had completely blank faces as they took everything in. Anthony began to smirk, however Pepper simply stared at me with a raised brow.

"Ree, we're going to have a problem if you keep making me say things like this but that brain of yours keeps surprising me. My moneys your money, you take what you need when you need it. I do however know you're going to be a pain in my ass about paying it back, so I agree to your term's blah blah blah. No legal documents - Pepper can be our witness." Anthony smirked at me as he spoke. "Better get started sis, you've got a company to build" He called as he strutted from the room.

"Thanks Eddie." I shouted after him. "Uh, Pepper if you're free, would you like to go out for lunch to discuss this a little more?" I asked. She looked utterly shocked but agreed nonetheless.

☞ ☞ ☞

Borrowing one of Anthony's least expensive cars, I drove us to a small family run Italian place I'd recently come across on one of my morning runs, a few miles down the road. It was a beautifully simple place with a homely interior. The walls adorned photos of the family who owned the place, images showing the building over the years and a couple of celebrities who'd visited, sat in their booths accompanied by various staff members. Despite the Malibu heat, there was always a comfortable warmth that engulfed you as soon as you entered.

Pepper didn't utter a word until we pulled into the car park.

"Can't say I was expecting this." She muttered so quietly under her breath that I barely caught it.

"Oh I'm sorry do you not like Italian?" I questioned.

"No, I do." She replied bluntly, removing herself from the car. I was still confused but decided to let it pass as we skipped up the few steps to the entrance.

Once we were seated and our orders placed I cleared my throat gently. "So, what were your honest thoughts on my proposal this morning? I know it wasn't exactly a professional presentation, I don't have the experience to pull that off just yet but with time and possibly some classes I'm sure I can improve on that."

"Mr. Stark is providing you with the funds so why does my opinion matter?" She questioned with a slight snap.

Frowning, I answered without hesitation. "Because, Anthony would give me whatever I wanted without questioning it. I'd like your opinion because you're a very successful businesswoman who, for whatever reason clearly can't stand me, so you won't mince your words."

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