𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟾 - 𝚂𝚑𝚒𝚙𝚙𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙾𝚞𝚝

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In the blink of an eye my twelve weeks of basic training was complete.

Surprise, there was nothing basic about it.

My days were filled with pushing myself to breaking point both mentally and physically all while keeping up with my various studies. Despite the pressure - I loved it. As soon as I arrived home my first set of medical exams had to be completed, depending on whether I passed would determine whether I'd be deployed. If not, I'd have to work on base until I passed.

Thankfully it would only be a few days before I found out so I could prepare for my current deployment date which was in a weeks' time.

☞ ☞ ☞

Once I got home, I'd barely made it over the threshold before Anthony tackled me into a bear hug, lifting me off the ground to spin me around the room

"REE!!!!!!!! Oh, my favourite sister, I missed you!" He shouted as he spun.

All I could do was laugh. "I'm your only sister you doofus! Now put me down or you're not getting any doughnuts!" He dropped me immediately, pushing me gently away to arm's length as he rested his hands on my shoulders.

"Doughnuts you say?" He quirked a brow.

I turn to grab the box before spinning back around to bow and present him with them. "A decadent box of 12 awaits my dear sibling."

"You may stand m'lady! Let's go eat."

We made our way to the living room laughing before plopping down on the sofa to eat our sweet treats. I got a range of flavours so we sat for ages trying them all out while we caught up on what I'd missed while I was away and how things had gone for me. Two hours later, all the doughnuts were gone and the pair of us slumped with a mix of jam, powdered sugar, chocolate and I think some peanut butter covering our mouths.

The clicking of heels made us freeze as we turned our heads very slowly to find an extremely annoyed Miss Peter Potts stood staring between us with a cocked brow and a hint of disgust.

"I see you're home." She directed toward me before turning her glare to Anthony.

I whispered out. "Oh, you're in trouble." He slapped my leg, and I couldn't help but smirk.

"You had a meeting an hour ago with the board and should be ready to leave for tonight's ball but instead you're here doing what? Shoving doughnuts in each other's faces?" She throws me a dirty look that makes me start to question whether I should be here if I was a bad influence on Anthony, maybe he just had me here out of obligation. My mind began to spiral as every bit of self-doubt leaked from my pores.

I gave a gentle cough. "Uh, I'm sorry Anthony, I didn't mean to distract you." I get up, clearing the doughnut box up as I went. "I'll get out of your way, sorry. Have a nice time." I didn't give him chance to reply as I shot from the room, cleaning off my mouth, concentrating on my breathing. No longer having the energy to do much of anything, it was a case of taking a long-awaited hot shower before getting into bed.

☞ ☞ ☞

Three days later and I received the letter I was waiting for. I passed the exams with flying colours.

I now only had three days left to get myself ready before I would officially be deployed.

Typically, both Nic and Maria were out of the country once again so I wasn't able to visit before I left. All of my remaining time of course, was spent with Anthony. Happy even came over to join us on my last night to watch a Flyers game.

The following morning was a rush of gathering bags and double-checking lists, ensuring I had everything. Pepper appeared at the door to simply say 'goodbye' before turning to leave the room once again. I got the impression she really didn't like me, but I didn't have time to open that door right now. Both Anthony and Happy escorted and saw me off from the airport.

"Alright behave kid and come back safe." Happy remarked as we gave one another a gentle fist bump before he made his way over to the car, giving me and Anthony some privacy.

"Come back to me please." He pulled me in for a hug and we stayed that way, taking in the comfort of one another for a few minutes. He kissed my head as he pulled back mumbling. "I love you."

"I love you too Eddie." I kissed his cheek before picking up my bags and making my way to the terminal.

And with that I was officially shipping out.

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