𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟾 - 𝙾𝚋𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚊𝚑 𝚂𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚎

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I spent the next two days hiding out, mainly out on the private balcony connected to my room, overlooking the beach. It had been pretty breezy recently but today seemed to be calmer.

Until feeling the loss of the sounds of the world I never really thought too much into the soundtrack of the ocean, despite my love for it. Even as I sit listening, I cant quite put it into words. The sound of waves and wind aren't too different from one another, waves just have more of a solidity to them.

A sort of trance is placed upon me as I watch the waves move in unison toward the shore below me. The water climbs its way up the shore leaving different patterns in the sand as it does so, before it retreats, taking a layer of sand along with it, only to return it once again on its next trip around. The gentle crackling of sand reacting to the salt of the water brings a fraction of a smile to my lips.

I spent some more time simply rocking in the makeshift hammock I'd installed for myself, doodling in a sketchpad before taking a deep breath and venturing down to the lab.

Despite the fact that I knew I'd have to face both Pepper and Anthony sooner or later, I was really hoping for the latter option, but of course I left the spare batteries to my aids in the one room of the house that Anthony spends almost all of his time.

Shuffling my way through the corridors of home in an attempt to keep as quiet as possible the sound of an unknown voice coming from the living room pulled my feet toward its direction. Turning the corner I freeze where I stand as J.A.R.V.I.S lets off a small alarm and informs whoever just touched one of the security pads that they're not authorised to access this area.

Before I had chance to panic Peppers voice echos around the corner. "Thats J.A.R.V.I.S, he runs the house." From her tone it's clear this isn't an intruder however call it curiosity but I wanted to know who was trying to roam about my house. Easing myself around the corner ever so slightly I caught Peppers eye as she stood in her usual formal attire holding what looked like dry cleaning? She just caught my eye with a smirk before adding "Well, he's not alone in that job."

I gave her a delicate smile back as my eyes cast over the 'guest' stood with her back to me. She was very clearly one of Anthonys conquests given that one of his favourite burgundy shirts was the only thing upon her skin. The blonde hair and slim physic was also undeniably his type.

"I've got your clothes here, they've been dry cleaned and pressed and theres a car waiting outside that will take you anywhere you would like to go." Pepper informed her without much of a clear tone to her voice however I could make out the annoyance it held.

Completely ignoring her words the almost naked woman confidently approached her "You must be the famous Pepper Potts."

"Indeed I am."

"After all these years Tony still has you picking up the dry cleaning." She tilted her head sarcastically, taking the clothes from Pepper before throwing them gently over her shoulder.

"I do anything and everything Mr Stark requires...including occasionally taking out the trash. Will that be all?" Pepper snapped back causing me to let out a scoffed laugh. Both sets of eyes immediately turned to me with very different expressions settling on their faces. Pepper simply smiled proudly while the other woman seemed pissed.

"Who the hell are you!?" She barked.

I raised a brow and stared her down before finally answering. "I live here. I'd suggest you dress yourself and leave as Miss Potts has asked before I physically throw you out." I watched as she took a slight step away from Pepper before hurriedly leaving the room with her head down and tail between her legs. I tried to do the same but obviously I wasn't as lucky. As I turned on my heal a hand gently wrapped its way around my bicep.

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