𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟽 - 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚁𝚞𝚕𝚎𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚂𝚗𝚘𝚠𝚋𝚘𝚊𝚛𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐

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Christmas Eve

So as it turns out, snowboarding is not quite as easy as I thought it'd be. Before we'd even set out onto the slops we spent two hours going over how to lace up my boots, get into the boards bindings and then how to get back out of them.

True to his word, Anthony spent the whole week teaching me everything he knew, despite the fact that he preferred to ski. Christmas Eve was our last day on the slopes since we'd both decided to huddle up in the cabin tomorrow so we were going to make the most of today and maybe even push to do a couple of jumps.

"Alright, remember the basics - Flex your knees and ankles and keep your knees tracked over your toes. Shoulders and hips in line with the board and relax your arms at your side. We've done a few little jumps and hops so if you feel ready, let it rip."

He couldn't see the grin that covered my face under the ski mask and goggles as I manoeuvred myself to take off.

We'd not been near any of the boxes but I'd been watching the other riders and was itching to give it a go. As I started to ride in the direction of one of the shorter boxes I could hear Anthony calling for me to watch out.

Making sure I straightened out so I got a clear shot at the little ramp onto the box, readjusted my balance so I was centred, watched as the end of the box came closer and rode off straight. I didn't bend my knees as much as I probably should have to absorb the landing so I definitely felt it.

Leaning back into the proper stance I managed to get my speed back up ready to take on one of the proper jumps. Once again making sure I'd be taking it straight I adjusted so my hands were at waist level over my tips. As I hit the lip of the jump I kept myself centred over the board as my rear hand reached down to grab the board between my legs as the other extended out straight. As I hit the peak height of my jump I straightened out slightly and this time, managed to absorb the landing with my knees as I rode it out.

"SOPHIE!!" I slowed to a stop as Anthony skidded beside me, ripping his ski mask off to reveal an utterly stunned expression. "You just did a 50-50 on the board AND landed an Indy Grab."

"Yeah I guess I did." I laughed out, causing us both to collapse into a fit of laughter.

☞ ☞ ☞

Christmas Day

At 6:24am this morning I officially turned 17.

We agreed to spend today relaxing on the sofas surrounded by blankets and snacks, binge watching the Harry Potter films. Anthony had been trying to get me to watch them with him for weeks and this had felt like a good time for a movie marathon. It may have been simple but to me it was perfect.

As the evening drew to a close we sat by the fire with piping hot, hot chocolates with decent helpings of cream and marshmallows on both.

"So you leave for basic training in three days, right? You're all set to go, and your Doctorate is underway? You've planned out your Biochem and Engineering papers?"Anthony asked.

Chuckling softly I confirmed "Yes Eddie, I'm all ready. I just have to pick up all the study material and I'm good to go, relax!"

"How is it that you're doing a Doctorate alongside beginning two PHD's simultaneously AND starting a new job, yet I seem to be the only stressed one here! Your brains even too big for me Ree...don't tell anyone I said that. How are you planning to take the multitude of books needed for all this with you?"

"I'll figure it out don't worry." I shrugged.

"Or..." He got up and ran out the room before I had chance to say anything, running back in a minute later with a large box. "...Happy birthday Ree."

I rolled my eyes before taking the box from him. It had a bit of weight to it. Pulling the bow off I opened the wrappings to find what looked to be every Apple product available. A brand new laptop, tablet, digital pen, earbuds, headphones and mobile. I sat and stared in awe.

"If you don't like it it's ok, we can get you a different one, whatever you want-"

"NO!" I cut him off "Anthony, I just - Thank you." I stuttered out before slowly and hesitantly pulling him in for a hug.

"You're welcome sis." He said as he kissed my forehead. We spent the rest of the evening laughing as we watched Harry Potter, shovelling down as much food as we could before completely blacking out, cuddled up together on the sofa.

☞ ☞ ☞

We flew home the day after Boxing Day so I could pack my bags ready to leave the following morning. Unfortunately Maria and Nic were on assignment and therefore currently on the helicarrier so my goodbyes had to be said virtually. My new phone however meant this was easy and I could now text them both whenever I wanted.

Anthony drove me to base with Happy and hugged me for 5 straight minutes before he finally let me go.

"See you soon Eddie, be good for Happy!"

"See you soon Eddie, be good for Happy!"

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