𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟻 - 𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚔 𝙸𝙸

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Owing to the fact that I wasn't ready to leave the house at the moment, I began working on a more personal lab project - creating a pair of glasses that would incorporate J.A.R.V.I.S into the lenses in order for any speech directed to me could be converted to text in front of my eyes. They would of course include all of his other capabilities.

It was very much a case of trial and error on a lot of the components, however I finally did it. Anthony had not so subtly been watching over my shoulder every time I worked on them, throwing in a few suggestions here and there that funnily, seemed to be to his benefit not mine. I took the hint and made him a matching pair.

 I took the hint and made him a matching pair

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A few days later I once again found myself in the lab with Anthony working between the computers and hologram table trying to perfect a piece of medical equipment for Stark Medical. It wasn't long before Anthony interrupted my train of thought.

"J.A.R.V.I.S, I'd like to open a new project file, index as Mark Two." He mumbled. Turning to face him I watched as he slumped lower in his chair, staring pensively at seemingly nothing.

"Shall I store this on the Stark Industries Central Database Sir?" J.A.R.V.I.S requested.

"Actually, I don't know who to trust right now... 'Till further notice, why don't we just keep everything on my private server? I don't want this winding up in the wrong hands. Maybe in mine, it can actually do some good."

Clearing my throat to get his attention, I raised my eyebrow slightly at his words. "Hope that trusting remark doesn't apply to me Eddie." He looked over reciprocating my look before smiling slightly as he nodded his head, signalling me to come and help.

My current project was abruptly pushed to the side the moment he explained what he was looking to create.

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We'd spent the following week or so playing around with the 'Mark Two' so that Anthony was now able to move on from the designing faze and begin building one of the boots for the suit. Since the only part of the design that I'd come up with was the helmet I wanted to tinker with the more intricate pieces a little further before going in for the full build.

I watched on while Anthony attempted to work alongside his robot, Dummy. It was extremely amusing given that it wasn't exactly going well.

"Next. Up. Not in the boot, Dummy. Right here. You got me? Stay put. Nice. You're of no benefit at all. Move down to the toe. I got this. Okay, I'm sorry, am I in your way? Up. Screw it. Don't even move. You are a tragedy." Anthony instructed without much success.

"Hey, be nice to dummy he's doing his best." I declared with a smirk, receiving nothing but a glare in return.

After multiple hours of tinkering the boot, along with its pair, they were fully built and functional enough for a test flight. I'm not too sure why the following arrangement was chosen but Anthony had put Dummy in charge of the fire extinguisher while I just had to stand there and record the test, so we'd know what we'd need to work on or fix.

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