𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟼 - 𝙰 𝙵𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚑 𝚂𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝

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Having already brought all the possessions I owned with me on the trip here, there wasn't a need for me to fly back to S.H.I.E.L.D. Maria on the other hand, flew down the moment I called to update her. She met and spoke to Anthony in private for well over an hour, what about I had no idea, before we spent the rest of the day talking in my new room.

The day ended quicker than either of us would have liked and it was time for her to leave.

"Ok, before I go I got you a little present." She smiled cheekily as she backed up over to her bags.

I couldn't help but let out a small laugh. "I don't need anything!" She shushed me with a glare making me hold my hands up in surrender.

"I noticed when we found you, there was a guitar in the cabin that showed no signs of dust, so I guessed you'd been learning to play. I know you find it hard to sit with nothing to do and it's good for you to have something to keep your mind occupied." She turned around, quickly pulling what looked like a mini guitar from a bag on the ground.

"This is called a ukulele, it's basically a smaller guitar but the sounds differ a little, I think

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"This is called a ukulele, it's basically a smaller guitar but the sounds differ a little, I think." I couldn't do anything but stare at both her and it which I think started to worry Maria slightly. "If its not your thing thats okay, I can get you something else..."

"Wait, no. It's beautiful, I just, I don't know what to say. I've not had any presents since I was little - are you sure you want me to have this? It looks expensive? No, I can't accept that!"

"Wow, wow, wow" she called, attempting to pull my hands into her own as I took a vast step backwards. "Hunny, I need you to calm down okay? Look it wasn't expensive, hell it was something like 30 bucks and the guy threw in a case and a bunch of picks in for free. Wait no, the price isn't the point! I care about you and I wanted to buy you something, I know that scares you but I can assure you it going to happen again so can you please hold the gift and just see how it feels."

My mind was too busy trying to process the verbal diarrhoea that fell out of her mouth to react when she crossed the distance between us and thrust the instrument into my arms.

It felt comfortable.

I'd not had much time with the guitar back at the cabin but I'd picked it up quite quickly using a beginners guide I'd found at the back of the bookshelf. Twirling the instrument I noticed a small 'M' carved into the back with an even smaller love heart beside it. Cautiously looking back at her to find her watching me with a look of slight worry I returned a gentle smile and whispered "Thank you."

Maria left around an hour later, after a rather long rant about making sure I kept in contact with her and as soon as I got a phone - call.

☞ ☞ ☞

One Month Later


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