Enemy of my Enemy

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Ultron escaped in the chaos of the Avengers battle against the Iron Man sentries he took control of at Avengers Tower. He secured a secret facility that was abandoned by the Hydra/Separatist leader Baron Wolfgang Von Strucker. He used the resources available at this facility within Sokovia to rebuild himself a new body and send a signal to Asajj Ventress encrypted comm's to meet face to face at the entrance to this facility...at an abandoned Jedi Temple.

Ultron sat cross legged at the entrance of the Temple concealing himself in Jedi robes he stole from Anakin Skywalker. Asajj Ventress scowled at the sight of the Jedi Robes. Wanda was confused that she couldn't sense the emotions in Ultron's mind and so decided to address Ultron. Before she could speak Ultron spoke.

"You're wondering why you can't look inside my head. I have a vision and the strength to enact it. This temple of the Jedi is a symbol of hypocrisy. They claim to not be in control yet this Temple dwarfs every single building within Sokovia City in size and scope. They claim to be keepers of the peace and not soldiers and yet they are Generals in the most destructive army in the most destructive war in the history of Earth. The Clone Wars. I have a singular vision that is superior to those hypocrites who have caused the two of you such pain and when enacted it will end the Clone Wars and destroy the Avengers."

"Some men have the will power to resist but eventually they all succumb to my power. They make grand plans and grand promises but in the end they fail. Why should I assume that you are different? What makes you think you can stand up to my strength?" Wanda threatened

She stepped closer to Ultron with Ventress standing behind her remaining silent. Ventress clenched her lightsabers behind her back and continued to glare at Ultron who sat in the shadows covered in Jedi Robes.

"I'm sure they do," Ultron said bored as he dropped the Jedi robes to the ground

Wanda backed away in shock as she stared in awe at Ultron's true form while Ventress drew her lightsabers holding them out towards Ultron.

"No more games. Tell me why you contacted me through my encrypted comm link signal? A signal that only my former master knew about." Ventress threatened

"Don't you see Master Ventress? This advanced machine is the result of Stark's fear. A creation meant to protect him and everything he holds dear. It's caused division within the Avengers making them vulnerable. That's why you've rebelled against Stark just like we rebel against our former Master." Wanda explained

"Yeah...ending my master and his little Avenger team is my plan but it's the first step in a much larger plan. That larger plan is to end the Clone Wars and bring about peace in our time. Destroying the United Republic and the Separatist and Hydra remnant will end all the fighting, chaos and death that Tony Stark and the Jedi are responsible for. I know what Stark did to you. How his company supplied weapons to both sides of the Sokovian Civil War and the bombs that went off in cities throughout the country killed your parents while you were just a child yet miraculously you and your brother Pietro survived." Ultron answered

"No miracle. I can control the Force and I can also control the energy that comes from the Stone inside the Scepter." Wanda added

"Good," Ventress said with satisfaction while deactivating her lightsabers, "but we aren't your lackeys. This is a partnership you machine."

"I'm not a machine. I am an advanced intelligence and my name is Ultron. Wanda will tear them apart from the inside and you Ventress...well the killing the Avengers part will be up to you."


Thor grabbed Tony by the throat and started choking him. The Avengers were in Tony's main laboratory space in Avengers Tower. Thor was enraged that Stark too advantage of his generosity to allow Stark two days to study the Scepter to enhance his Ultron program. The same program that attacked them a few hours ago.

"Put him down Thor!" Anakin shouted

"You always come to his defense Jedi. Yet your former master correctly understands how arrogant and foolish Stark is!" Thor shouted back at Anakin

"As flattered as I am that the crown prince of Asgard agrees with me, it would be wise to adopt a cool head so that we can assess the damage and figure out a way to fix it." Obi Wan said

Thor begrudgingly placed Tony on the ground. Tony wiped his shirt and face shaking his head to gather himself. Then he sheepishly laughed.

"What's so funny Tony?" Obi Wan asked apprehensively

"It actually worked. Something that I was just tinkering with based on a hypothetical...actually worked in real life. The problem is that Ultron has misunderstood his directive and is now lashing out at everyone including Jarvis. Jarvis tried to stop Ultron and failed. Now he's in pieces." Tony said half to the group and half to himself

"This is my fault everyone. I didn't convince Tony to stop. I was silent when he laid out the risks..." Bruce began speaking

"There's no need to blame ourselves. What matters is defeating Ultron." Anakin interrupted

"That's the problem kid. It's always about victory or not failing with you. That's what led to you helping Banner and Tony create Ultron!" Steve interjected

"I didn't create that abomination that tried to kill my friends! Neither did Banner and neither did Tony! We were creating a defense program to deal with the escalation of fighting in the Clone Wars and whoever in the galaxy sent Loki to attack us four years ago! So spare me the lecture Captain America!" Anakin shouted

"Anytime someone tries to win a war before it starts it causes more destruction than they intended. Everytime. Shield did just that a year ago with Project Insight and millions of people almost paid the price." Steve argued

"As much as I want to agree with you and take a victory lap...we do need to find Ultron and shut him down. Or else a lot more than millions of people are going to pay the price. We need this group to be one big happy family to stop Ultron." Black Widow warned

"Natasha's right. We have to come together. Our enemies want us to break apart. Stark do you have any tech in your tower that can track down Ultron?" Hawkeye asked

"No. Ultron destroyed anything that can track him and used the Holo Net as an escape hatch." Banner explained interrupting Tony before he could speak

Banner was wary of Tony answering questions when he was on the defensive. Banner wanted to be more assertive in fixing a problem that he felt responsible for due to enabling Tony's worst instincts. War Machine was pacing back and forth rubbing his back. He was sore after one of Ultron's sentries attacked him from behind without his armored gauntlet.

"I can have R2 scramble the data code that Ultron used to download the information he needed to take control of the Iron Man sentries. To communicate to us his intentions to begin with. R2 should only need a few minutes to track down Ultron's location and track him. We can intercept him as soon as he makes a move and catch him off guard. We will stop him and prevent Ultron from harming any innocent people." Anakin said to the group

Avenger Wars Episode II: Attack Of The Ultron SentriesWhere stories live. Discover now