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Protests! Various anti war groups around the world protest the Clone Wars as it has begun its 2nd year of conflict. Many of these groups blame Stark Industries for the wars escalation after Shield is no longer active in the war and has disbanded due to Hydra's infiltration of Shield. There is no end in sight as the war rages on. Agent Phil Coulson and his secret underground version of Shield assist the United Republic Military, the Jedi Order and the Avengers in the war. His team has successfully located a secret Hydra base whose commander Baron Von Strucker is loyal to the Separatist and their leader Count Dooku.

Strucker has been sacrificing Hydra bases that worked independently from the Separatist to distract the Republic from his studies on Loki's scepter which secretly houses the Mind Stone. He seeks to find a link between superhumans and Force Sensitive beings by studying the scepter. The Avengers (which include Jedi Master Obi Wan Kenobi and Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker) interrupt his experiments and seek to destroy the base and capture Strucker. Dooku has sent his most trusted operative Sith Assassin Asajj Ventress to protect Strucker and his successful test subjects the superhuman twin siblings Wanda and Pietro Maximoff.

"We will never surrender. Hydra has existed for decades and it will continue for several more decades. We are on the precipice of unlocking a great power. Unlike the other Hydra cells our partners have assured us a prominent place in the new world order as established by Supreme Chancellor of the Seperatist Senate Count Dooku. It was foolish of previous Hydra leadership to have an adversarial relationship with Dooku. With the support of his droid military forces and his valued assassin Asajj Ventress we shall be victorious against the Avengers and the Jedi Order!" Hydra Supreme Leader Baron Von Strucker bellowed

His battalion of Hydra shock troopers guarding his base started cheering and they turned around chanting in German as they exited the base to defend it from the Avengers.

"I'm actually planning on surrendering. We just need to move the DNA samples of the twins and all of our research to my private estate." Strucker said to his chief assistant Dr. Lyst

"What about the twins?" Dr. Lyst asked worried

"Ha, ha. They should be our personal bodyguards. The boy Pietro shall protect you Dr. Lyst while the girl Wanda will protect me. Six of our best armed officers and a unit of a dozen super battle droids given to us by Dooku will transport the technology and experimental data from this base to my airship."

"Are we just going to leave Mistress Ventress behind? She's helped us gather valuable test subjects and appealed on our behalf to Dooku for financial and military support. She'll perceive this as a betrayal and we'll be making her our enemy when she's been useful as an ally." Dr. Lyst argued

"We have no choice. Even though our partnership has been fruitful...Hydra must come first." Strucker countered

Strucker gestured to the video feeds from their probe droids. The Avengers and the two Jedi Obi Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker tore through the Hydra forces and droids like a lawn mower cutting through grass. Even the weaker members Black Widow and Hawkeye were defeating their Hydra operatives in battle with ease. The Hulk scared Strucker the most. He tossed and threw Hydra operatives around like a child who threw toys around their room when having a temper tantrum. Dr. Lyst conceded to Strucker's orders after seeing the power of the Avengers. Lyst ordered the Hydra operatives specific technological devices and data pads to load onto the airship. While Strucker continued to watch the security footage with fear in his eyes. He relaxed when he saw Ventress attacking the Avengers with her personal airship.


Dooku turned on his Holo Net display and bowed before the hooded image of Darth Sidious the Dark Lord of the Sith.

"Lord Tyranus." Darth Sidious

"My master." Dooku replied

"There is a disturbance in the Force. Your assassin Asajj Ventress has become very powerful." Sidious said

"Yes my lord," Dooku said raising his head to Sidious, "She is quite important to me and the success of my operations."

"Your operations? You think of yourself more highly than you should Tyranus. You've made her too important." Sidious complained

"Master please-" Dooku began

"Silence!" Sidious interrupted

"I've sensed her powers growing stronger. That's why she's been so useful to you during the Clone Wars. I would hate to think you've been using this war to train her to be your own Sith apprentice to destroy me." Sidious added as Dooku stared helpless at his master

"No! Of course not! Master my allegiance is only to you and you alone." Dooku replied in earnest

"Then you must prove it. Eliminate her." Sidious threatened

"But my Lord she's my most trusted servant and is fighting the Avengers as we spea-"

"I said eliminate her!" Sidious shouted interrupting Dooku again

The room shook and rattled as Dooku sensed Sidious was connecting to the Dark Side of the Force despite being hundreds of miles away.

"As you wish my Lord." Dooku said bowing his head before Sidious

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