The Secret Scepter

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Anakin left R2 in his airship and approached Ventess's downed aircraft. It was emitting sparks and smoke was billowing out of the engine.

"Sir I detect an energy signature inside this structure." Jarvis said

Out of the corner of Iron Man's eye he saw a scientist attempt to flee from the hangar bay. He fired a repulsor blast killing the scientist and then flew towards the corner of the hangar bay where Jarvis projected the scientist was going to go.

"Dr. Lyst. Dr. Lyst are you there? Do you have the scepter?" Strucker said to his comm link

Strucker realized Ventress failed to protect Lyst or defeat the Avengers. He assumed Dooku would destroy the base to cover his loses. Strucker decided to leave with the research data that he had and cut his losses. It was the only way to ensure more superhumans could be created but without Dooku hovering over his shoulder because Dooku would think he was dead.

"Wanda go find your brother and finish off the invaders." Strucker ordered

"Yes sir." Wanda said

"Hey kid. You mop up Ventress. There's a hidden weapon inside this base I'm going to retrieve." Iron Man called out

"Understood. Just be ready to back me up." Anakin said

Iron Man nodded and left to the far end of the hangar bay while Anakin continued towards Ventress's airship.
Obi Wan arrived on a stolen motorcycle and continued towards Anakin.

"You really are that worried about me that you rode up in front of the others?" Anakin complained

"They have their hands full with that speedster who fought my troopers in Sokovia several months ago. I didn't make this choice lightly." Obi Wan argued

"Let's just capture her so we can end this once and for all." Anakin replied

Ventress crawled out of her airship sporting bruised ribs. She glared at Anakin and Obi Wan.

"Ventress you're not looking well." Obi Wan observed

"She never does." Anakin muttered to Obi Wan

"You've failed Ventress. The rest of the Avengers will be here any moment. Surrender." Obi Wan ordered

"Never!" Ventress growled jumping towards Anakin and Obi Wan with her lightsabers drawn

The Tactical Droid that monitored all of Strucker's air support was on an airship speaking to a Holo Net image of Dooku.

"My Lord Strucker's two superhuman test subjects Wanda and Pietro are fighting the Avengers outside Strucker's base while Ventress is fighting the Jedi. How should we proceed?" The Tactical Droid asked

"I order you to command our remaining forces to fire on the base." Dooku said

"But my Lord based on my calculations that would destroy all the Hydra soldiers, the Maximoff twins, our droid forces alongside the Avengers and the Jedi." The Tactical Droid replied

"Exactly." Dooku replied

Ventress was cornered by Anakin and Obi Wan with their lightsabers pointed at her neck. Enraged at her master's betrayal and her subsequent defeat Ventress tapped into the dark side of the Force and started levitating the two Jedi in the air. They clutched at their throats their lightsabers falling to the ground.

The base rattled and shook after being bombed interrupting Ventress's attack. Iron Man appeared with the scepter and aimed a barrage of missiles at Ventress which she dodged using the Force. Part of the building crumbled and the rubble fell on top of Ventress. The base rattled again from more explosions and Iron Man, Anakin, and Obi Wan dodged a damaged airship that crashed into the base.

"We need to get out of here!" Obi Wan called out

Anakin raced towards his airship while Iron Man landed on the ground and grabbed Obi Wan.

"Clench up Gandalf." Iron Man warned

"What do you...ahhh!!!" Obi Wan yelled as Iron Man flew up from the ground

Just before the base exploded Wanda furious and heartbroken over her brother's death found Ventress using the Force to remove the rubble around her. Wanda surrounded herself and Ventress in a force field of energy as debris and shrapnel fell from the sky around them. The base had been abandoned and the two women were the only survivors.

"Why did Lord Dooku fire on us and the droids?" Wanda asked tears in her eyes

"Because he betrayed us. He and the Avengers will pay. We can make them suffer together."

Wanda nodded, "I've already begun Mistress Ventress. I manipulated Stark into seeing his deepest fears. He and the Avengers will destroy themselves."

"Good. Then will use Stark's resources to kill Dooku and avenge your brother." Ventress said with a grin.

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