What Shield was supposed to be

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Steve was grateful that Anakin, Obi Wan and Natasha were fighting the Ultron Sentries by his side. He hurled his Shield off the top of dilapidated vehicles and his Shield ricocheted destroying a dozen Sentries before hitting the side of a nearby building and returning to him. He was saddened by the loss of Ventress. Even though she was a former Separatist agent who needed to stand trial she at least was trying to help Wanda who had no one. Steve was impressed with how Wanda managed to fight alongside them despite losing someone so close to her just moments before. Clint was wounded but managed to continue firing arrows and Steve wondered how long they could last.

Another larger issue was the city. Sokovia City was flying in the air thanks to a hyperspace fueled propulsion system that Ultron installed within the Jedi Temple. Once the city reached a certain altitude the systems would reverse their polarity so that Sokovia City would fly directly into the Earth.
Steve knew the Sokovians needed to be evacuated off the flying city before it was too late. Steve knew having allies fighting alongside you was not enough to solve that issue. Steve knew who he could radio to ask for a solution.

"Stark another wave of Sentries is going to come any minute and we are struggling to hold the line and protect the Sokovians from them. Do you have any solutions?"

"Nothing great. Skywalker's Droid R2 can hack into the engine program and trigger an explosion that would blow up the city." Iron Man said somberly

"I asked for a solution not a backup plan." Steve said firmly

"We might not have a choice Rogers. Every minute this city ascends higher in the sky increases the likelihood it'll destroy everyone on the ground when it crashes into the Earth." Iron Man said his voice tired and shaking

Iron Man was worried that they had run out of options but he knew Steve well enough to know his confidence wasn't shaken.

"Steve we might need to accept Stark's plan that the city needs to be blown up." Black Widow argued

"I won't consider that option until every Sokovian is evacuated and a safe distance away from the city."

"But Steve there are more people on Earth than the people that live in this city." Black Widow protested

"I'm not leaving this city until every single Sokovian is evacuated Natasha."

"I'm not saying you should leave," Black Widow said tears in her eyes, "I'm willing to stay here with you until the end. There's worse ways to die. Where else am I going to get a view of the sky like this?"

Black Widow gestured to the sky as Anakin and Obi Wan destroyed the last of the initial wave of Ultron Sentries with their light sabers.

"R2 is picking up an approaching aircraft that's cloaked and scrambling it's signature so Ultron's defenses aren't detecting it," Anakin announced, "Stay alert guys."

"That's one impressive droid Skywalker but my friends and I have something a lot more impressive than R2D2 to help you in this fight." Fury said over the comm link

The Avengers and Wanda stared in awe at the Helicarrier which dwarfed the Republic airships in size and strength. Steve thought Hydra destroyed all the Shield Helicarriers during their uprising last year. He was never more happy to be wrong in his entire life than this moment. Finally there was real proof of a chance to stop Ultron's plan and save the Sokovian people.

"Thanks to the help of a couple friends of mine we were able to hide this aircraft from Hydra's forces. They've been assisting me on a secret mission in Mandalore. Hydra's been concentrating their dwindling resources in taking over that nation and controlling the other member nations not participating in the Clone Wars. These nations call themselves the Alliance of Neutral Nations or ANN for short. If Hydra succeeded in taking over Mandalore... well...they'd have control over ANN as well."

"Fury you mudscuffer. You helped us turn things around!" Steve said excited

"Woah Rogers do you talk to your mother with such foul language?" Fury asked

"May reengage the thrusters. Fitz release the bogies in 10. Coulson recalibrate our deflector Shields." Stark security officer Maria Hill ordered

Agents Phil Coulson, Melinda May and Leo Fitz executed Hill's orders and soon hundreds of escape pods landed near Steve and Natasha. Soon Iron Man started calling out to Sokovians hiding in fear with a translation device in his armor to run to the escape pods for safety. Wanda assisted him by calling out to her fellow Sokovians to trust Iron Man and listen to her instructions.

"So this is Shield. I always thought Shield was evil." Wanda said to Steve as her people entered the escape pods

"This is what Shield was supposed to be." Steve replied smiling

"I guess Shield, the Avengers and the Jedi aren't so bad." Wanda said with a smile

The irony that Wanda told her people to trust Iron Man despite his role in supplying weapons used in the Sokovian Civil War that was fought when she was a child was not lost on her. Nor was the fact that she was a former servant of Count Dooku a Sith Lord and a Hydra/Separatist Agent who was now fighting side by side with Anakin Skywalker the one Jedi predicted to destroy the Sith according to Jedi prophecy. Now the only thing left was to ensure Anakin's droid R2D2 wasn't attacked by the next wave of Ultron Sentries as he worked with Iron Man to return Sokovia City to the ground.

Avenger Wars Episode II: Attack Of The Ultron SentriesWhere stories live. Discover now