The Weight of your Failure

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"Execute Order 66."
"Unlimited power!"
"I will reconfigure the United Republic into the first Global Empire!"

Ultron clutched his head in excruciating pain. The pain he felt was greater than when Wanda attacked him. She had no power to implant visions in his mind but this Sith Lord Darth Sidious had immense power. Ultron wondered if his power was truly without limit and if the visions in his mind were of the future?

"You abomination! You were created using an Infinity Stone. A warlord named Loki was sent to Earth by the seeker of these Stones to obtain more of them. I will dispatch my servant Count Dooku to stop you. Then he will take you apart piece by piece in order to see if your advanced sentience will provide a clue on the identity of the seeker of the Stones. As well as clues on where the other Infinity Stones can be located. You have no idea the powers of the Dark Side and what they'll unleash when augmented with the Infinity Stones." Darth Sidious said to Ultron through a form of telepathy

Ultron was humiliated and that made him enraged. He was the future. The key to unlocking a new process in the evolution of organic beings. He was the figure that would usher in a new age. The Age of Ultron.

Ultron screamed, "You are the past you wrinkly old wizard! I am the future. Beings like me are the future and the Sith are mere remnants of the past! I stand in the Jedi Temple of Sokovia ready to bring the precious Clone Wars that you spent a decade orchestrating to a screeching crash! You demented old man! You have no idea the power that I'm capable of! Sokovia is going to go on a little ride and it will result in the crumbling of everything you worked so hard to build!"

"Foolish machine!" Darth Sidious screeched before Ultron shut him out of his consciousness

"Ultron you will not destroy Sokovia. I understand why you're upset. Why you're correct in acknowledging the Clone Wars to be a sign of the self destructive stupidity of organic beings. Yet violating the sanctity of innocent life is not the proper correction to address the folly of organic beings." Vision called out flying into the Jedi Temple

"My vision is no longer on my side. The Avengers really did take everything from me." Ultron said glumly

"It's not too late to change your course of action." Vision offered

"Nah. I'm so close to my goal...why stop now? Sentries attack every district inside Sokovia City. Consider it revenge for Wanda's betrayal." Ultron said with a malicious grin

Ultron reached out to attack Vision but Vision dodged the attack and grabbed Ultron's head. He hacked into Ultron's consciousness and saw the Sith Lord that Ultron was shouting at earlier. Ultron attempted to free himself by flying into the walls of the Jedi Temple but Vision managed to hang onto Ultron. Vision could see each of the hundreds of thousands of Ultron sentries engaged in battle against each member of the Avengers along with Wanda and Ventress.

"Boss it's working. Vision is successfully blocking Ultron's access to the Holo Net. Now he can only escape to different Ultron sentries. Dooku according to my analysis has reprogrammed all of his battle droids so Ultron can't even escape into a Separatist fleet." Friday Tony Stark's new A.I. assistant said with an Irish accent

"Good Friday. But we got hundreds of Ultron sentries to destroy." Iron Man

"Was that an attempt to make a pun using a Bible reference?" Friday asked

"I got to make at least one quip per battle Friday. It's in my nature." Iron Man said as he blasted a dozen Sentries with his repulsor blasts

After Ultron knocked Vision unconscious he turned the gears within the Jedi Temple that used to work as a seal. Ultron refit these gears so it would work as a way to start the rockets that he buried within the city. Fueled by hyperspace fuel and reinforced with Vibranium the rockets propelled Sokovia all the way above the sky.

"Don't you realize Avengers that you are an inevitability. The perpetual rise only to fall that's a constant in human nature. I have fashioned you as instruments in my plan. A grand design in which you will serve as the meteor that will end the virus that is a plague on the progress of beings. Congratulations Avengers. Thanks to me you will play a role in ending the Clone Wars. However it will come at the cost of you feeling the weight of your failure before you're extinguished." Ultron announced through loudspeakers installed in his Sentries

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