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"Welcome to the Avengers. Sam Wilson aka Falcon. Wanda Maximoff aka Scarlet Witch. James Rhodes aka Rhodey aka War Machine. Vision. Also two new Jedi will be joining us. Let's welcome Jedi Master Quinlan Vos and Jedi Master Luminara Unduli. Master Unduli will be working with the secret team of operatives under Commander Maria Hill's supervision and her Padawan Barriss Offee will become a member of this team.

This an opportunity to pool our skills together as one unit. To lay down our differences and fight for something greater. To bring a quick end to the Clone Wars so that those who can't protect themselves can be safe. I know Tony, Clint, Thor and Dr. Banner aren't with us for various reasons. I believe Tony will find a cure for Dr. Banner to regain control of his powers and I have faith that the Jedi assigned to help Dr. Jane Foster locate Thor will be successful in finding him.

I'm also grateful for Clint's service to help the weak as a member of the Avengers. I'm happy that his family is safe and sound and that his wife Laura gave birth to a son. Clint was Hawkeye not because of his accuracy and marksman skills but because he observed the things about each of us that made us stronger. I'm happy that he's able to retire from combat and live peacefully with the Avengers.

Now each of us is on the precipice of a new chapter as individuals and as a group hopefully leading to a brighter future for us and the world as a whole. Think of this new version of our group as a New Avengers. An Avengers group who will ensure that those who seek to harm the weak and defenseless will not succeed. By doing it with honor and respect for everyone, on and off the battlefield. I'm excited to fight alongside each and everyone of you. Now New Avengers... let's Assemble!" Steve Rogers told the New Avengers inside a new Avengers facility outside New York/Lothal

New Avengers lineup

Steve Rogers aka Captain America
Natasha Romonav aka Black Widow
Jedi Master Obi Wan Kenobi
Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker
Sam Wilson aka Falcon
Wanda Maximoff aka Scarlet Witch
James Rhodes aka War Machine
Jedi Master Quinlan Vos
Jedi Master Luminara Unduli


Several Weeks Earlier

Ventress was wounded after landing on an Ultron Sentry after the shockwave from a missile knocked her off the edge of Sokovia city. The Sentry attempted to attack her but Ventress slashed it's arms off. She activated the rocket boosters on its feet to slow her descent to the ground. Due to falling from more than ten thousand feet from the sky she landed on the ground painfully. Thankfully her mastery of the Force kept the fall from killing her but she was severly injured.

Ventress managed to steal a damaged Republic airship shot down by the defenses that Ultron set up to protect Sokovia City.
She used the airship to crash land on her home nation of Dathomir on the East Coast of Africa. She needed to find Mother Talzin the Queen mother of her people...the Dathomirian Nightsisters. Ventress stumbled in front of the gates to the city succumbing to her injuries. She mumbled a request for help and the guards brought her to Mother Talzin. Talzin realized right away who Ventress was and ordered the Priestesses to prepare a healing table for the ritual.

Ventress was forced to drink the water of life magical elixir with healing properties. Due to the hallucinogenic elements of the elixir Ventress was forced to remember being sold into slavery by a crime syndicate called the Hand who extorted her people. That same syndicate was attacked by pirates who killed her Master. Her master was a high ranking member of the Hand called Nobu. She was rescued by a Jedi after she used the Force to attack the group of pirates who attacked her Master. The Jedi impressed with Ventress's abilities despite being a 5 year old took her to the Jedi Temple on London Coruscant for training.

Ventress grew in her knowledge and abilities in the Force. She became close with her Jedi Master and together they stopped pirates and smugglers from attacking small villages across the world. Unfortunately a group of pirates with a powerful lazer cannon of Stark Industries design killed her master. Ventress killed the pirates filled with rage and was promptly expelled from the Jedi Order. The Jedi High Council denounced her for killing in a manner that was not the Jedi way.

"I must have revenge!" Ventress screamed in the past at the Council and in the present on the healing table at the same time.

"I can sense the darkness within you. It's fueled by your indignantion and your rage. I will teach you the ways of the dark side in exchange you must assist me in creating an army of superhumans for my master." Count Dooku told her in the past

Then Ventress groaned in sadness and pain as the water of life elixir forced her to remember her betrayal at the hands of Count Dooku.

The recent past

Ventress's ship was heavily damaged and she saw that the base was nearly empty. Ventress knew she didn't have reinforcements to back her up. She contacted Count Dooku and his Holo image appeared in front of her.

"Master, I need your help quickly. I'm surrounded by the Avengers."

"You've already lost the battle child. I've ordered your reinforcements to return." Dooku replied

"No! I will destroy the Avengers, I'll show you and prove you wrong!" Ventress boasted

"All you've proven is that you failed. You have failed me for the last time. You are my apprentice no more and now you shall die." Dooku said coldly

Ventress stared at her Holo communicator on the dashboard of her ship in a mixture of shock, anger and sadness as Iron Man and Anakin approached her ship.

Ventress screamed in anger and pain as she realized her former Master Count Dooku was the reason she was injured in the battle of Sokovia. She thought Ultron could help her get revenge against Dooku but in reality Ultron was insane. A machine bent on causing destruction and chaos on every human and alien on the planet. Ventress desperately wanted the healing elixir to heal her body. She needed to heal so that Mother Talzin could help her get revenge against Count Dooku.

Ventress woke up healed and filled with clarity...and rage. She sat up and turned to Mother Talzin who stood in front of the priestesses.

"Dooku betrayed me. I sought help from an advanced intelligence named Ultron created by Tony Stark to kill Dooku...but Ultron went insane trying to destroy everyone and everything. He injured me in his quest to spread chaos. I need your help to destroy Dooku Queen Mother." Ventress said

"Of course my child. I had faith one day you would return to us. Ending the Clone Wars will be helpful to our clan but most importantly Dooku will die for betraying my sweet child. That's the fate for anyone who harms my children." Mother Talzin replied

"Good. Do you have a plan? Dooku is extremely powerful." Ventress warned

"I'm not worried. I know the perfect way to deceive Dooku so that way you will strike when he is confused and weak." Mother Talzin reassured Ventress

Ventress smiled gleefully, "Perfect."

Avenger Wars Episode II: Attack Of The Ultron SentriesWhere stories live. Discover now