Dark Future Ahead

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Ultron ignored Sidious who was taunting him. He realized his plan failed as he watched the Sokovian City land safely on the ground from miles away. His plans for a glorious new age where the surviving humans would evolve into a new superhuman race called mutants alongside advanced droids of the Republic and Separatist was ruined. All because of Skywalker, Stark his creator and Skywalker's Droid R2D2.

Ultron raced into the woods his consciousness inside a worn down Ultron Sentry. The last remaining member of what once was a vast army of Sentries numbering in the millions. The Avengers and the remnant of Shield destroyed the remaining Sentries. This losing outcome was so pathetic to Ultron that he didn't blame the Sith Lord Darth Sidious for taunting him. He underestimated his opponents. Ultron promised himself that if he managed to escape from Sokovia then he'd hide. Take his time and slowly rebuild his army and wait decades into the future to attempt to initiate his plan for evolution again.

"Where is Thor!" Sidious bellowed in Ultron's head

"No idea. I sent him into some random pocket dimension. I could sense the Space Stone inside the Tesseract near him though. Good luck trying to find the other Stones Voldemort." Ultron replied jokingly

"I don't have time for jokes! You're as arrogant as your creator Tony Stark. Both of you have reduced Sokovia to fire and rubble and yet you both fear a power greater than yourself." Sidious teased

"You fear the one who had the Space Stone. The one who gave it to Loki to conquer Earth in exchange for retrieving the other Stones. You're not as invincible as you claim. Cause I know your true fear....you fear death. Wow you really are like Voldemort." Ultron mocked

"Anakin Skywalker holds the secrets to conquering death. That's his potential as the Chosen One not that stupid prophecy as about destroying the Sith that the Jedi foolishly believe in. You unfortunately will not live to see Anakin fulfill his true potential within my plan Ultron. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha." Sidious taunted while laughing

Ultron was relieved that Sidious was no longer in his head but confused why Sidious revealed crucial information about Anakin Skywalker to him. Ultron's confusion evaporated as he entered a clearing within the woods and was face to face with Vision.
Ultron stopped moving and bowed his head. He wasn't going to beg to be spared. Not by his own flawed creation, his incomplete Vision that knew nothing about Sidious's plans for Anakin Skywalker. Nothing about how Sidious would use Anakin Skywalker to destroy the Avengers and discover the secrets to conquering death. Vision was ignorant of the truth and Ultron came to the realization, a realization that filled him with fear....the truth about Skywalker would die with him.

"You're afraid of death. You're the last one." Vision said with a somber tone

"You were supposed to be the last. You were the final piece of my plan to fix things. Stark asked for a Savior to help the world but he settled for a slave. The Jedi believe in a Chosen One but Skywalker's just a brash cocky kid with a droid." Ultron replied bitterly

"I suppose your dream is as much a disappointment as Stark's and the Jedi's dream." Vision replied with a sad smirk

Ultron laughed sardonically, "I suppose you're right."

"Humans and other organic beings are odd. They think order and chaos are somehow opposites and try to control what could possibly happen. They are flawed but there is grace in their failings. The possibility for them to experience improvement through failure. I think you missed that specific detail." Vision explained gently

"Organic beings are doomed. Either Darth Sidious ends up controlling their will or the one who seeks the Stones will control their will. This Clone Wars The Avengers are trying to end is just a farce, a joke, a distraction that hides the dark future that lies for humanity and other organic species." Ultron stated bluntly

"Sidious has great power and is a threat. But he cannot control the forces of nature fully. Even he is subject to the fundamental forces that govern nature and so is the seeker of the stones whoever they may be. After all...Sidious is only human." Vision said with a small smile

Ultron was annoyed and frustrated by Vision's optimism. He couldn't do anything about it though. Vision had the Mind Stone and a mix between an organic and mechanical body. Ultron had lost his connection to the powers of the Infinity Stones and was inside a worn down Ultron Sentry. Ultron thought it was ironic that he was born in such a body and now he would die in it.

"You know you're unbearably naive. Just get this over with." Ultron said dejected

"In due time the Mind Stone will help me learn a great deal. Goodbye Ultron." Vision replied

Vision used the Stone to create a large beam of energy and fired it at Ultron. Ultron's body was destroyed and the different parts that made up his Sentry body burned to ash. The ashes were scattered by the wind in the Sokovian forests which symbolically signaled the end of the Age of Ultron. Vision knew the next part would be the hardest. Rebuilding Sokovia, repairing the damage Ultron caused, bringing an end to the Clone Wars and finally defeating Darth Sidious. That last part made Vision agree with Ultron. Sidious was a greater threat than the Clone Wars themselves.

The End

Avenger Wars Episode II: Attack Of The Ultron SentriesWhere stories live. Discover now