You'll be an Avenger

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Wanda was miserable as she desperately tried to shield an elderly woman from the Ultron Sentries attacks. This elderly woman was in danger because of her. She could have lost her children or her grandchildren because of Wanda. Wanda felt so ashamed
that her oath of loyalty to Count Dooku to get an opportunity to get revenge on the Avengers led to Pietro's death. Wanda's deal with Ultron not only resulted in betrayal but innocent people in danger of dying like this elderly woman she was struggling to protect.

Wanda struggled to maintain energy shields to protect the woman from repulsor beams that the Ultron sentries were shooting at them. Hawkeye fired his arrows at the Sentries eyes and a delayed explosive on the arrows caused the Sentries to explode. Wanda was impressed with Hawkeye's precision and accuracy with his arrows. Ventress used her twin lightsabers to slash dozen's of Sentries at a time. She was using the Force to predict the angles of the Sentries repulsor beams and blocking the beams with her lightsabers.

Wanda felt useless on top of being a hypocrite. There were too many Ultron Sentries to fight at once and too many people that needed help getting to emergency shelters. She didn't know how she was going to fight the Sentries and protect her fellow Sokovians at the same time. It was all too much for her to process all at once.

"We need to go, go, go!" Hawkeye called out

He grabbed Wanda and explosions from missiles were now being fired by the Sentries. One of these missiles hit Ventress and she barely had time to use the Force to protect herself. However the shockwave from the explosions knocked Ventress off the floating city into the sky itself and she fell to the ground. Before Wanda could process what happened Hawkeye jumped alongside her inside an abandoned house. A second later a missile hit the outside of the house and the resulting shockwave caused the house to shake violently.

Wanda started hyperventilating thinking back to the bombings she barely survived as a child. Wanda started crying as she realized Ventress who was like an older sister to her was dead. Ventress and Pietro her two siblings both gone and soon Sokovia would be next.

"It's all my fault. I did this because I helped Utron! Ventress is dead because of me and my Sokovians are in danger because of me!" Wanda cried out her voice shaking

"Hey hey hey look at me Wanda. This isn't your fault, this isn't my fault or anyone's fault ok. We have to deal with the problem we are facing right now." Hawkeye replied

Wanda continued to hyperventilate tears pouring down her face.

"Listen I need to know if you are up for dealing with this. You need to answer me Wanda...can you handle this?"

Wanda was still in shock and despair over losing everyone and everything she cared about. How she accused Anakin Skywalker of hypocrisy but in reality she was the hypocrite. Her poor decision making resulted in the destruction of Sokovia.

"Wanda. The only reason I'm asking you this is because the city is flying in the air. Eventually it's going to drop and the impact is gonna cause explosive damage the size of a thousand Star Destroyers. We're also facing attacks from advanced droids. I'm sorry for your loss and the pain that you've gone through. But I have a job to do. I do my job to protect my family and those who can't protect themselves.

But if you can't do that right now. I can get Vision to come and get you. He has enhanced speed so he can get to where you are quickly. But I'm going back out there to do my job. It doesn't matter what you did or what you were. What matters is what you do now Wanda. If you step out that door and you fight with us then you'll be an Avenger." Hawkeye said as he exited the house

Hawkeye groaned as he saw more than a thousand Ultron Sentries converge on their location. He pulled out five arrows from his quiver and placed it on the bow. Then he aimed the bow at the nearest Sentry. Before Hawkeye fired his weapon Wanda emerged from the house and used her power at full strength. Fueled by a determination to focus on protecting her country and city instead of revenge she achieved the mental clarity to max out the potency of her power. With a simple gesture she released energy that ripped thousands of Ultron Sentries in half.

"Ok. We clearly had a productive chat." Hawkeye said

There was an awkward silence. Wanda gave a small smile and Hawkeye returned in.

"Hey Vision can we get a ride to the South District where Steve and Natasha are?" Hawkeye asked over his comm link

"Sure thing Clint. Is Wanda going to help us fight Ultron's Sentries in that District or should I watch over her?"

"No need. Wanda's ready to fight. Question is will Stark figure out a way to get the city to stop flying?" Hawkeye wondered aloud

Avenger Wars Episode II: Attack Of The Ultron SentriesWhere stories live. Discover now