Apprentice no more

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"Master I'm going to hop in my airship to take on Ventress!" Anakin said to Obi Wan over his comm link

He pressed a button on his wrist watch and R2D2 got the signal and remote piloted Anakin's airship to the battle from the Sokovian capital. Anakin jumped into his airship utilizing the Force. The blaster fire from the armored Hydra soldiers and Separatist droids rained down on himself, Master Kenobi and the rest of the Avengers. Anakin was grateful for the comm links that Iron Man designed. They were more effective than official United Republic comm link's. The battle had lasted over an hour and it was still another 10 miles from the last Hydra base in the middle of the Sokovian woods. Hydra Commander Baron Von Strucker wasn't going down without a fight and with Asajj Ventress on his side Anakin knew this mission got more difficult.

"Relax kid. My Mark 47 armor eats airships like this for breakfast." Iron Man said confidently

He flew circles around Ventress and fired repulsor blasts at her. Ventress dodged the blasts with her ship and managed to hit Iron Man with a plasma blast.

"Sh-!" Iron Man cursed

"Language!" Captain America yelled out of instinct

"Did you really just say language in the middle of a battle?" Iron Man asked

Captain America threw his Shield at an angle where it ricocheted off a dozen Hydra soldiers and they landed on the ground with the wind knocked out of them. Seconds later he replied embarrassed, "Sorry it just slipped out."

"I mean seriously language. Y'all heard that right? Don't be shy guys. He said language like he's my dad!" Iron Man teased

"Maybe we're surprised that instead of taking your loss against Ventress gracefully you're deflecting by pointing out Steve's aversion to profanity." Obi Wan joked

A second later Obi Wan jumped in the air using the Force and kicked two Hydra soldiers to the ground. Then before another second passed he used his lightsaber to block a blast from a Tesseract powered tank that was fired at Black Widow and Hawkeye. Obi Wan realized that Hydra was changing strategies targeting the non powered members of the Avengers. Black Widow fired her twin sonic blasters at a dozen droids as if she was angered by Hydra underestimating her and Hawkeye followed by firing explosive arrows with precise accuracy at a half dozen B2 Super Battle Droids.

"Of course you would take his side Obi Wan. You always take his side." Iron Man complained

"I don't see why you need to banter while fighting Stark. Asgardians get joy from fighting the enemy without banter." Thor chimed in

He immediately threw Mjilnor in a straight line knocking down dozens of Hydra soldiers and droids until his trusty magical hammer blew up a tank. The tank exploded and Hulk leapt through the flames seeking to destroy another tank which he did effortlessly in seconds.

"Am I really on an island on this? Am I the only one that finds it strange?" Iron Man asked as Mjolnir flew back into Thor's hand

Iron Man destroyed a dozen airship fighters piloted by commando droids while complaining with relative ease.

"I think it's a bit strange you said language. It's not like you're a teacher like Master Yoda or strict like Master Kenobi." Anakin observed

"See. Anakin gets it." Iron Man said with relief

"Of course he gets it. When it's you Tony that's when he gets it. When it's me Anakin ignores it." Obi Wan sarcastically mocked

"Men." Black Widow muttered in frustration

While Hawkeye just shook his head with a smile.

"You gotta admit Nat, this is way more fun than our mission in Budapest." Hawkeye said

"Whatever Clint." Black Widow replied rolling her eyes

At that moment a blue and silver blur entered the battle and knocked all the Avengers to the ground.

"Some kind of new weapon? It was like a super charged turbo laser." Hawkeye groaned as tried to get up from the ground

"Stay sharp it's an enhanced being of some sort. Maria Hill said Hydra was doing experiments on people. Giving them super powers." Captain America said as he got to his feet

"You didn't see that coming." A young man taunted at Hawkeye

Hawkeye saw that he had blue and silver clothing. This was the blue and silver blur that attacked Obi Wan and Coulson's secret Shield Team months ago here in Sokovia. Hawkeye hoped Iron Man and Anakin had an easier time fighting Ventress in the air than he and the others did on the ground.


"Trident group one," Ventress ordered, "Attack his starboard engines."

A dozen droid controlled airships sped towards Anakin's airship.

"Trident group two, " Ventress added to another dozen droid controlled airships, "Target Skywalker's port side Shield generator. I'll go after Iron Man."

"Sir it seems Ventress has taken a liking to you. Odd." Jarvis observed

"Yeah well. What else is new?" Iron Man replied

Iron Man dodged most of the laser fire from Ventress ship but one of the plasma beams hit Iron Man's left gauntlet damaging the steering mechanism in his propulsion system.

"I'm kinda disappointed Tony. Ventress completely ignored me. It seems only the droids followed me." Anakin remarked

Anakin noticed out of the corner of his eye the 24 droid airships split into two groups. With careful maneuvering Anakin tricked the two groups of droids into flying into each other. Iron Man on the other hand struggled to hit Ventress with his repulsor blasts due to his left gauntlet's damage. He took on more laser fire from Ventress's ship and sparks started flying out of Iron Man's armor.

"Hey kid where are you? I'm going to need some help." Iron Man said trying not to sound desperate

"On my way." Anakin said

Anakin managed to shoot down Ventress's ship and both her and Iron Man crashed into Strucker's base but on the far end of it. They were in the hangar bay of Strucker's base but all the ships and vehicles were gone. Anakin realized Strucker sent every vehicle he had to defend the base against the Avengers.

Ventress's ship was heavily damaged and she saw that the base was nearly empty. Ventress knew she didn't have reinforcements to back her up. She contacted Count Dooku and his Holo image appeared in front of her.

"Master, I need your help quickly. I'm surrounded by the Avengers."

"You've already lost the battle child. I've ordered your reinforcements to return." Dooku replied

"No! I will destroy the Avengers, I'll show you and prove you wrong!" Ventress boasted

"All you've proven is that you failed. You have failed me for the last time. You are my apprentice no more and now you shall die." Dooku said coldly

Ventress stared at her Holo communicator on the dashboard of her ship in a mixture of shock, anger and sadness as Iron Man and Anakin approached her ship.

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