Chapter 23

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Author's Note: Welcome back to Hiding in Plain Sight! I hope you enjoy the Update. For those of you who like Hux fics - There's a new Fic on the way, by the name of OBEY. Please give it a read, if that's your thing. As always thank you for reading along! I appreciate it so so so much! Big loves - Lex.


Ushar was on Nova stalking duty. They had been switching up all day, using their tracking and hunting skills to the best of their ability. It had been weeks, and though Nova had been willing to come to the Knights' quarters in the Shadow Sector of the New Supremacy, and cooked for them, spent time with them and trained with them. But other than that, she had given up nothing. Her quarters were still unknown, her offices too. They had thought they knew where her office was... but that had turned out to just be the offices of her subordinates. And the Knights were more than frustrated. Kylo had given them permission to do as they wished, but had given Nova room, only seeing and speaking to her in a professional capacity in meetings the organisation of the Order, letting her take the reigns on how to go forward, however much it burned in him and he hated letting go of the control. Regardless of his and her personal issues, they had the order to run, and rebels and Pryde to focus on, so he had to let it go, and focus on his duty as Supreme Leader.

Nova was walking through the New Supremacy with a couple of R&D officers, discussing new weaponry that was in pre-development. Ushar listened as he made his way along, watching her from a distance. The weapons were in the tweaking and perfection stage. Ushar knew from when he had first met her how good she was at this. It was kind of nice to see her back in the driver's seat of weapons development. Maybe she did need to do this. It was good for the Order, and gave Nova the power over herself again. He saw what they had first saw when they had first met her on Byblos, at Blastech.

Nova reached her offices, and Ushar smirked to himself. Finally, they knew where her offices were. He called through their force bond to Vicrul, and let him know where she was, so he could take over their monitoring of Nova to find her quarters. Vicrul arrived a short time later, with Trudgen, "These her actual offices?"

"Yeah. She's sat in there. And she has artwork up... I saw through the open door," Ushar said with a accomplished smirk, "It's all Nova in there."

"Found out why we couldn't find her in the data banks," Trudgen said, "Well, Ap did. She's loaded under her actual name - Acina Jadus. Her quarters though. She has the location redacted. It's unavailable to even Hux. Though I know for a fact that little asshole knows where she lives. I overheard him saying he had dinner with Nova to discuss a weapons R&D trip to Kuat."

"She had dinner with Hux? She really is going back to who she was when we met her," Vicrul groaned and dragged a hand down his face, then smirked, "Oh... maybe there'll be a shower fuck after training in this for me?"

Trudgen rolled his eyes, and Ushar laughed, "Always look on the bright side, Vic.""What?" He shrugged, "First time me and the Little Major spent some quality time together was in her refresher. It was good." He bit his fist and rolled his eyes with a satisfied groan, "I had... fun fun."

Trudgen shook his head, "Get your head on straight, Vic. We need to know where she lives. Ush... Tell Kylo we've found her office. That she's safe but we'll always make sure there's a Knight here close to hand for her. Does Kuruk know anything?"

Hiding In Plain Sight | Kylo Ren & Knights of Ren X OCWhere stories live. Discover now