Chapter 2

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As Cale enters into the dining room and is immediately met with a bunch of stares.

'Damn! What did I do?' Cale thinks to himself as he awkwardly sits down.

As Cale looks down at his plate and sees it with a nicely cooked breakfast and when he says nicely cooked he means that it can make the world go into a full blown war just to get a bite of it. The taste was wonderful and the texture was beyond comprehension as the flavor of it all melts in your mouth making you want to savor every last bite.

"The food tastes great!" Cale says without thinking since he's too focused on delicious food in front of him.

"Yes, it tastes awful- huh?" Deruth was expecting Cale to complain seeing as Cale always acts trashy at all times of the day which doesn't exclude breakfast so Deruth was left surprised when Cale instead complemented the food actually not just Deruth was surprised but everyone who was present was surprised at Cale's unexpected praise of the food.

Little did Cale know that Beacrox, the son of Ron and as well as assassin was listening in as well with surprise evident on his face but not only that but a faint pink blush that had fallen on his face. He didn't really know why and wasn't sure if he did want to know.

 'Did he really compliment the food I made?' Beacrox would have probably come out and strangled Cale thinking he was some sort of demon but the face Cale was making was anything but a demon, maybe even an angel. Beacrox couldn't take his eyes of Cale and despite being an assassin with amazing senses, he loses himself in thought and doesn't hear his father calling for him. Beacrox even ends up getting a bit startled when his father taps him on the shoulder.

"Huh!" Beacrox blurted out, which is completely out of character for him.

"Beacrox, I need you to help dispose of something. Are you okay, son? I was calling you earlier but you didn't respond so I had to come look for you." Ron says, concerned for his son. He then notices the light blush glazed across Beacrox's cheeks.

"Yes father, I'm fine. Perhaps I didn't get enough sleep last night so I'm a little out of it, I'll dispose of the thing you want now." Beacrox says quickly riding himself of his slight blush as he goes to dispose of a body, he is an assassin after all.

"If you say so, Beacrox." Ron says still concerned since Beacrox was acting very out of character just now and the light blush he had just seen on his son's face. Ron then tries finding what Beacrox was so distracted by until his eyes land on Cale. Ron sees the angelic smile on Cale's face and realizes that Beacrox may be starting to develop feelings.

'Perhaps I'll need to keep an eye on our puppy young master.' Ron thinks to himself before he leaves after Beacrox shortly after. 

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