Chapter 13

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Sorry for the people who read this chapter earlier and saw that I wrote 'Violin' instead of Violan, it kept changing to that and I didn't notice. Anyway, it's fixed now so please enjoy the chapter and please correct me if I spell any names wrong because I usually don't notice it when I do. I always appreciate your feedback on the chapters so please don't hesitate if something is wrong!

Cale had already gotten dressed and was going to give a quick goodbye to his family until he realized he still had a good 2 hours before he had to leave.

'Damn you, Ron! I can't believe I woke up this early even though I didn't have to, I could have been sleeping right now!' Cale thinks with annoyance as he leaves out the door, he figured he should explore a bit and maybe even get some extra money just in case something happens. As he walks around he sees a portrait of the original Cale Henituse, Cale notices the original Cale seems to be much more closed off than the rest of his family and he also seems to have this dead look in his eyes. The original Cale just looks so miserable, like he wants to scream and cry but holds it in as if he doesn't want to be a bother to anyone. It makes Cale remember his life as Kim Rok soo and his time in the orphanage, he never cried about people he doesn't even know the face of since he figured it would be bothersome for the people around him. he couldn't help but feel like him and the original Cale were similar in a way. Cale honestly just hopes that the original Cale is happy, wherever he is now.

'Actually, where did the original Cale go?' Cale thinks as he continues to walk down the hall.

As he walks around, he sees Ron with that damn lemon tea! He feels uneasy because Ron knows damn well he hates it though it never shows on his face, scared that Ron might make him drink another cup of the sour concoction, Cale runs for dear life until he stumbles to a room.

The room had dark wood doors with carefully crafted designs of many flowers and vines that seemed to be taking over the door, it all had a thin gold outline that makes everything stand out. The door looked intriguing and seeing as Cale had time to spare, he decided to check it out. The moment he stepped into the room, he was instantly met with a beautiful painting that he instantly registers in one of Violan's paintings with many memorizing colors that were placed into a scenery of a meadow full of dandelions. Cale notices a child in the picture, normally if he were to imagine Violin to paint her own children like Basen or Lily but the child he sees in this painting is definitely not them. The child had bright red hair, pale skin, and a cheerful smile on his face. The child seems to be playing in the field of dandelions as the wind is blowing them. It's a beautiful painting and as Cale is admires it, he realizes that the child is suppose to be him though it looks very different to the Cale now, with his often stoic face which can he can probably never imagine smiling such a happy and cheerful smile. The child looks very different to the Cale he saw on the portrait, in fact it really makes him question if they're really the same person. Cale remembers the late countess and how it must have affected the original Cale, seeing the reactions of his family members, it must be rare for Cale to really speak with them so the original Cale must have isolated himself because he may have felt that they were supposed to be some type of replacement for his mother. It's pretty common for children to feel that way and it was said in the novel that Deruth remarried a year after the Countess's death which may have been enough time for him to get over it but what about Cale?

"Oh my! Uh, Cale, I wasn't expecting to find you here!" Violan says, her voice snaps Cale out of his thoughts.

"Yes, I got ready early and later got bored. I can leave if you want?" Cale says as he walks towards the door.

"No! Ahem, I mean that won't be necessary, you can stay." Violan doesn't often get to spend time with her stepson but that doesn't mean she doesn't want to. In fact she has hoped a day like this would come, for her to finally have an excuse to spend time with Cale. Violan quickly composes herself before she speaks again.

"Would you like to see more paintings?" Violan has prepared many paintings just so she can show them off to Cale and now that she finally can, she is brimming with happiness.

"Sure, why not?" Cale says as he walks away from the door. He was pretty fascinated by the first painting he saw so he couldn't wait to see more.

"So how about that painting right there?" Cale says as he points to the painting of him as a child surrounded by dandelions.

"Oh, that one isn't finished yet. Let me put that one away." Violan says as she tries to get the painting only to be stopped by Cale's voice.

"It's a nice painting, I like it." Cale says calmly, it really is a beautiful painting and he doesn't understand why Violan would want to hide it, is it because she's scared that he'll get mad about it?

"Really, in that case I'll put it here." Violan says as she places it back on the easel. She's surprised that Cale had complemented the painting since she remembers that there was a rumor that Cale had ordered for every picture of him when he was a child to be put away out of anyone's sight. She had to search for a while to get a reference for the painting, perhaps Cale is finally warming up to her or maybe it's just a really nice painting, honestly no one can ever figure out the reason to why Cale does anything but she's just happy he like the painting.

"Is that painting over there based on the mountains over the rainbow river at the Leara territory?" Cale says as he points to another painting, this time to a painting of a beautiful mountain scenery that resides over a colorful river.

Cale ends up spending time with Violan, talking about art and other things like hobbies, Cale even attempts to paint something at the request of Violan though it isn't as good as her paintings, Violan cherishes it. Before they knew it, 2 hours had passed and Cale had to leave. Violan is sad that her time with Cale has to end but is happy she got to spend any time with him at all and even learn some of his hobbies, like it turns out that Cale likes to read fantasy novels. As Violan is walking with Cale, she can be seen with a bright smile on her face.

"Goodbye mother and father." Cale says as a quick goodbye, it wasn't anything special though Violan can't help but tear up a little. She finally feels worthy to be called Cale's mother.

"I hope for you to remain safe on your travels, Cale." Violin says in return to Cale's goodbye, Violan can't help but smile because she sees that Cale is all grown up now and it's only now she grows closer to him, still she hopes that she can spend more time with him in the future.

"What do you guys want me to bring as souvenirs?" Cale asks Basan and Lily to everyone's surprise. He figured that should bring something for Basan since he was supposed to go to the capital instead and Lily probably wants something too.

"A fountain pen." Basan answers calmly despite him being overcome by a overwhelming happiness, knowing that his older brother is getting him something makes him extremely happy.

"And you, Lily?" Cale says as he turns to his little sister.

"A sword!" Lily answers with sparkles in his eyes. Lily is tall for her age so Cale figures it should be fine and with that he leaves the mansion and to the carriage.

For some reason Choi-han was a little sad that he had to ride in a separate carriage than Cale but went to the other carriage anyway.

As Choi-han was boarding the carriage, he sees Beacrox, the chef he's been hearing so much about. Beacrox saw Choi-han talking to Cale and could instantly tell Choi-han was in love with him, the blush on his cheeks said it all. As they walked by each other, their eyes made content and it felt as if a whole war broke out. The tension was enough to make anyone in a 10 mile radius uncomfortable and Cale, who saw it all, was completely oblivious to why they were giving such murderous glares to each other, assumes they sensed each other's strength and wanted to fight or something like that. Honestly Cale couldn't care less since he has nothing to do with it but little did he know that he has everything to do with it.

Yep, Cale's doomed... 

Also I really enjoyed writing this chapter because I finally got to make a mother and son moment with Violan and Cale. 

I really love Violan, Basan, Lily, and Deruth can suck it (Sorry for anyone who likes Deruth) 

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