Chapter 4

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Later, Cale receives a massive check from Deruth and when he says massive he means it because the amount Deruth gave Cale for a simple shopping trip was enough to buy a house! It was then Cale realized something that put an iconic scammer smile on his face, the Henituse is filthy rich! This means instead of some small home far away from the upcoming war, he can have a full blown mansion built on the peak of a mountain or something and it wouldn't have the slightest effect on the Hentiuse family in terms of money!

Cale decided to go into town seeing as he hasn't been there yet. So Cale goes into his quite luxurious closest and looks for something to wear.

'Holy shit, that's a lot of clothes! These are all so expensive, I get we're kind of swimming in money but just a third of this closet can be enough to buy a small country.' Cale thinks to himself in awe of how rich the Henituse family is.

In the end Cale decides on a white dress shirt and plain black pants though he still looked amazing in it.

'Damn! I look good in anything now!' Cale can't help but complement himself since he really does look good, with his bright red hair, slender eyes, pale skin, and fantastic figure.

"If I looked like this in Korea, I would have been some sort of model and get filthy rich off that! Well that probably doesn't matter considering now in this new world the only thing I have to do now is ask my father." Cale says to himself as he lets himself sit down and think of his next actions, he plans to go to town and purchase some items that could help with some upcoming events.

'Father' The word feels weird to say seeing as Kim Rock Soo never had a father or any family really, well aside from his old friends but they're all dead now. Cale feels a heavy feeling in his heart and clutches it, he can't help but feel responsible for not being able to help his friends, no his family from back then, he feels like it's all his fault, and that he should've saved them but he couldn't. Cale lets out a breath he wasn't aware he was holding and tries to look on the bright side of things. 'At least now I can start a new life where I can slack around and live peacefully!' Cale thinks with a smile. He gets up from the couch and prepares himself to go to town.

Cale has already prepared a plan when he enters town, he'll be getting the ancient power "Indestructible shield" though the shield can get destroyed. In the novel it describes the Indestructible Shield to be an ancient power that allows the owner to summon a silver shield with two wings on the side of it, whose size can be controlled and that can move a certain distance from the user. It's rather divine looking, like a Holy Shield.

Cale goes around the streets purchasing loads and loads of bread. As Cale was carrying a large bag of bread to the tree, where the ancient power is, he runs into 2 kids who are not allowing him to go where the tree.

"Let me through." Cale demands.

"No! You'll die!" The one with similar red hair to Cale and a pair of bright yellow eyes.

"I won't." Cale says to the 2 kids.

"Everyone who's been there has died! You will die too if you go there!" The older one with silver hair and the same bright yellow eyes as the younger redheads.

Both of the kids look skinny and unnourished which doesn't go unnoticed by Cale. Cale hands both of the kids some bread in exchange for entering the area with the tree.

'Kids shouldn't have to worry about whether or not they're gonna eat or not, their kids! They should be lounging around and having fun, not having to roam around the streets in the hopes they'd be able to find even a crumb of food!' Cale thinks as he remembers his own childhood. He used to be bullied for not having any family and with no one to cry to or complain about the bullying. It went on until he met his friends who acted like they were his family, they would take care of him even when he was being stubborn but then he lost them and it felt as if he lost a piece of him as well. But these kids don't know what it is like to have a family, they just have each other.

"Fine! But be careful!" The younger one reluctantly agrees as he moves aside with his older sister.

Cale enters through the entrance to the tree and dumps the bread in the hole.

'MORE!' A mysterious voice yells at him.

"Okay, as much as you want then." Cale says with one of his most loved scammer smiles. 'Looks like I'll be getting that ancient power in no time!'

This goes on for a few more days with exchanging bread with the 2 younger kids so he can enter the area with the tree and dump the bags of bread in the hole until he finally gets the ancient power, "Indestructible Shield". Well after that hella long speech from that voice.

'Now with this ancient power, I'll be able to live a nice slacker life!' Cale thinks with a bright smile on his face. 


Sorry these chapter have been so short and also this chapter maybe a little sloppy because I made this on the road and I have car sickness so it was really hard to focus on it. The next few chapter will be a lot better now since I'm no longer having to drive anymore.



Choi-han will come in the next chapter so please be patient and please feel free to comment on anything in the story! 

Also I think we can blame the God of Death for my car sickness

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