Chapter 18

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Cale and the kids went to town while Choi-han followed after them, the kids looked around in awe of how lively it was with people walking around everywhere and all the shop stands. Cale saw this and instantly got overwhelmed by all the people around him and was beginning to have second thoughts about going out to town but it all vanished when he saw how happy kids are, in his life as Kim Rok soo he never got to have fun very often when he was a kid since he was usually overloaded with work.

"Umm, excuse me?" On nervously said as he was holding her little brother, Hong's hand. She didn't know if she should ask this or not but she decided to just continue to speak.

"Hm?" Cale hummed in response as he turned to look at On.

"Can I... hold your hand? I don't want me and Hong to get lost in the crowd." On asks as she squeezes her brother's hand a bit, it feels strange to ask this since Cale had originally hired them to save the dragon and now they finished that job so asking favors like this feels a little weird but On also sees Cale as a father figure since he's the only one to ever show such kindness towards them. Ever since they got kicked out of the cat tribe, their life has been filled with mostly pain as they struggle to find even a crumb of food but now they have Cale to spoil them with things like toys and clothes.

"Hm, ok." Cale says as he holds On's hand, since she's quite tall for her age Cale can hold her hand without bending down. On feels a little surprised that Cale had accepted but is happy since now they really look like family.

'Cale-nim is so caring, he's a great father!' Choi-han thinks as he sees this with sparkles in his eyes. Choi-han sees Cale's free hand and wants to hold it like the kids but is too nervous to ask, it's not exactly very knightly for him to do so. Choi-han had been so lost in thought that he didn't realize he was staring at Cale.

"Do you need something Choi-han?" Cale says, snapping Choi-han out of his trance. Cale had noticed Choi-han staring at him and couldn't take it anymore and decided to ask about it though he's a little scared that he did something to enrage him and that's why he was staring at him. Choi-han was quite embarrassed that he had been caught staring at Cale for the second time today but then he realized that this was a good opportunity to ask to hold Cale's hand.

"Well... I thought that I should hold your hand too so you won't get lost either!" Choi-han says, trying to stay calm but it comes out too excited. Cale figures he makes a pretty good point and agrees.

"Ok sure." Cale says, completely oblivious to the real reason why Choi-han wants to hold his hand.

Anyone who saw this would have easily confused them for family with Cale as the loving father who spoils his kids, Choi-han as the kind and caring father who loves his family dearly, On as the responsible older sister, and Hong as the goofy little brother who's still got lots to learn.

The beautiful scene was then interrupted by a man who was running through the crowd of people and had accidentally pushed Hong to the ground. The man obviously didn't want to hurt the child but he needed to get out of there as quickly as possible but there's no way in hell that Cale would let that slide, any one hurting his children is equivalent to them hurting him.

Choi-han immediately gets what Cale is thinking and grabs the man by the arm while Cale picks Hong who had scraped his knee when he fell. The man was panicking but didn't show it. He figured that he should resolve this quickly and get going since he has a very important meeting today and he's going to be late.

When the man turned around, he was instantly met with Cale's overwhelming beauty, a moment of surprise entered his face but quickly vanished when he realized it was the man who was rumored to be human trash. Though the man's face was mostly covered aside from his beautiful brown eyes that stared right back into Cale's eyes, Cale can tell that the man wasn't very amused by the situation but there's no way in hell that he'd let him go when he hurt one of his kids.

"I apologize for bumping into you, I-" The man was trying to apologize until Cale had interrupted him.

"It's not me who you have to say sorry to, it's him" Cale says as he points to Hong who was crying on his shoulder because of his scraped knee. The man was a little surprised that someone who is rumored to be human trash would care for a child but he doesn't show it on his face.

"I see, I'm sorry for bumping into you. I was in a rush, I swear I didn't mean to." The man says as Hong looks up at him, it was then when the man realized the kids were part of the cat tribe.

"We don't accept your apology!" On says with an angry expression on her face which surprises the man, Cale understands that she has always been protective of him and figures a compensation would be nice.

"So what should I do to make it up to you both?" The man asks, he just hopes it'll be quick since still has a meeting to attend.

"You can go to hell!" On says, still angry that this man had hurt her brother even if it was by accident. This stunned the man but he realized that they are with Cale so it shouldn't be too surprising that they know a few swears.

"On! You can't say things like that!" Cale says as he gives Hong to Choi-han.

"But you say it all the time!" On argues, she meant what she said and she isn't going to take it back.

"How about you just get some medical supplies so we can help his scraped knee."Cale says as he sighs, he can't argue with On since he really does say it all the time.

"Of course, I know a place nearby where I can get some bandages!" The man says as he prepares to leave until he is stopped by Cale.

"In that case I'll go with you, I wouldn't want you to leave without getting the medical supplies." Cale says as he starts walking alongside the man.

"But-" The man doesn't even get a word out when Cale interrupts him yet again.

"Is there a problem?" Cale asks with his typical scammer smile.

"N-no..." The man says in defeat.

"Great, Choi-han look after the kids while I get the bandages with this man!" Cale says as he waves a quick goodbye before leaving.

"Wait Cale-nim, I'm supposed to be protecting you!" Choi-han calls after Cale though he is too far away to be heard now.

'I hope Cale-nim will be alright! He's so beautiful that he can attract just about anyone!" Choi-han thinks in worry as he watches in anger that some guy had stolen Cale away from him. 

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