Chapter 19

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The man sighs as he wonders how he got into this situation, Alberu usually doesn't go out unless it's for an event or can put himself in a better position in getting the throne but today his aunt had requested him to get something.

Alberu didn't exactly know why his aunt wanted him to get it specifically but he decided he would do it to make her happy little did Alberu know, his aunt had another reason for him to go out today.

Alberu's aunt wants her nephew to be happy with someone he truly loves, not someone he married so he can get the throne. Tasha just so happened to be in the Hentiuse territory the same day Cale had picked up the kittens and helped Choi-han, ever since then she has been tailing Cale.

She can definitely tell he is Alberu's soulmate with both similarities and differences in personality so she wants to make sure they meet as fast as possible so they can have plenty of time to fall in love, of course she knows she'll have to deal with a few issues along the way like Choi-han but that probably won't be a problem.

"Alberu, get your ass outside right fucking now!" Tasha screams as Alberu is doing paperwork.

"What, why?" Alberu asks, surprised by Tasha's sudden demand.

"I need something and you're gonna get it for me!" Tasha says, still screaming.

"Well, can it wait till after I'm done with my paperwork?" Alberu asks as he glances up and down from his aunt and to the paper he's writing on.

"No, now go! Maybe you'll meet your soulmate there too!" Tasha teases even though she is being serious.

"I don't believe in that soulmate stuff, I've never even fallen in love." Alberu sighs, he needs to find someone to marry so he can get the throne.

"Well maybe you should, even fools know love when they feel it!" Tasha says as she sits down on a chair, she can tell her nephew is gonna need a talk on love.

"Are you saying I'm a fool or something?" Alberu says, annoyed that they have to talk about love.

"Love is when the air smells sweet and the light around the person sparkles like an angel sent from heaven..." Tasha says as she fantasizes Alberu falling in love with someone.

"Sounds like some sort of intoxicating disease, no thank you." Alberu says, not amused with the idea of him falling in love.

"Just go out already!" Tasha yells in annoyance that her nephew is so reluctant to fall in love.

"Okay fine!" Alberu says as he gets out of the office chair.

'Why did this have to happen today out of all days...' Alberu thinks as he looks around for some bandages. The shop was small but cluttered with all sorts of medicines, bandages, and other medical related things, there was only one worker which made things go even slower and Alberu had to accept that he wasn't going to make it to the meeting on time.

Cale was looking around with Alberu but even with the 2 of them they couldn't find the bandages needed. This pissed Cale off because his child was currently dealing with the pain of a scraped knee and he still can't find the damn band-aids.

Cale realized that he can go to the 1 worker that's here but then he sees some old person talking with them and considers shoving them out of the way so he can ask for the band-aids but he realizes that he's starting to sound like some crazy dad in those Tv shows he used to watch when he was a kid, since he never had a dad he used those Tv show dads as a reference to what his real dad might be like. Cale chuckles a bit on how dumb that was though it is a little sad.

"Hey, excuse me! Can you get me some band-aids?" Cale asks when he sees the elderly person leave after what felt like forever.

"Ah Yes! That'll be $50 then." The worker says as they go look for the band-aids. Cale was going to pay it like now problem despite the outrageous price but he then realized he didn't have enough money since he left his wallet with Choi-han.

"Ah yes, I'm gonna need that $50 bucks now." Cale says as he holds out a hand to Alberu while giving him a 'I need money' look.

Alberu shoots a 'I'm not going to give you my money' look.

Cale gives a 'Just give me the money, you're the reason we the band-aids in the first place' look.

Alberu sighs as he gives up the $50 to Cale who quickly uses it to get the band-aids. After they leave the store, Alberu decides to ask a few questions so he can know Cale's intentions with the cat tribe children or if he even knows their cat tribe children.

"So you care a lot for those kids, huh." Alberu says, he already knows how cruel people can be when they find out you're different in even the slightest way.

He knows that if you want respect from people, you're going to have to lie about whatever you can till you get to the top. If Alberu can become king, he might be able to get equal rights for dark elves and other races but for now he must keep quiet while working towards the throne. Even though Alberu can't do anything to help, he still hates it when he sees people discriminate against others and plans to have their heads cut off when he becomes king.

"Yeah, what about it?" Cale says, not looking away from the road ahead.

"I'm just curious, how did you meet them?" Alberu says with a happy tone despite the murderous arua surrounding him. He doesn't have high hopes for human trash to be kind to others but there's no problem in questioning him.

"I met them on the streets, now where exactly are you going with this?" Cale says in an annoyed voice though he still doesn't look away from the road. Alberu wasn't expecting that someone who's rumored to be human trash would actually help children on the streets but he still doesn't act fazed.

"Well you seem to care for those kids a lot so I was just wondering if they were any different, would you still care for them in the same way?" Alberu asks, not expecting the best answer but still continues to ask anyway.

"And so what if they were a little different? Do you have a problem with that? They can be cat tribe children, wolf tribe children, dark elves or whatever and I would care for them the same!" Cale says, finally turning to face Alberu. He had a serious look in his eyes as he said it and it leaves Alberu with a not so often seen stunned look.

"Cale-nim! Do you have the band-aids?" Choi-han yells as soon as he Cale.

Cale walks over to him, leaving Alberu stunned. Alberu doesn't usually get to see people that actually accept people like him, he sees Cale walk away and he feels a strange feeling in his chest. He feels his heart flutter as the air suddenly smells sweet, he looks over to Cale who's putting the band-aid on Hong's scraped knee and he sees the light around him sparkle like an angel sent from heaven.

'Love' was the first word that came to his mind, he was feeling love right now. Tsha was right, even fools know when they're in love and Alberu was definitely in love with Cale.

Alberu was going to approach Cale but then he realized the time, he was late for his meeting and he needed to go now. He reluctantly left Cale and went to his meeting but even during the meeting, all he could think about was Cale which makes him sigh for how unprofessional this is.

Bonus scene 

Tasha: Hey Alberu- what the fuck

Alberu: I swear it's not what it looks like!!!!

Tasha: It looks like your admiring many pictures of that Cale fellow... 

Alberu: I- 

Tasha: YOUR IN LOVE!!!!!!!!

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