Chapter 15

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Cale was just going to change in front of Choi-han since they were both men but Choi-han insisted that they change separately so Cale entered the connecting room and changed there. As they were changing, Cale explained the situation to Choi-han.

"What do you know about dragons?" Cale asks Choi-han who is still a little bit flustered by the fact that Cale is literally changing as he's talking to him.

"Ahem, I don't know much about them but I assume they are evil creatures." Choi-han answers while still trying to compose himself, he's just grateful Cale can't see the Blushing mess he is right now.

"You've clearly never seen a dragon before." Cale says with a sigh, now he's starting to understand Choi-han's mindset when he killed the dragon in the original novel. Choi-han already had a bad impression of dragons, most likely due to rumors and when he saw the dragon going berserk, it just made things worse. Cale knows that this type of stuff happens often seeing as in Korea he was often judged for his lack of family background but he doesn't blame Choi-han. There really isn't anyone to blame in these kinds of situations but we just have to clear things up before they escalate. With this in mind, Cale continues to speak.

"Dragons are a lot like humans. However, their existence has fallen into darkness because no one ever gives them the chance. It's like a neglected child who just got thrown into an alleyway to be beaten up by everyone who's different from them." Cale says as he starts to remember his life as Kim Rok soo and how often he had to deal with such treatment. It was painful to say the least but as time went on, everyone grew from their childish antics and he got over it as well.

"I see." Choi-han is starting to understand what Cale is saying, being cast out of society simply because your different would be painful for anyone and Choi-han knows the feeling, the loneliness you constantly feel, the darkness that haunts you, and the pain you deal with, he knows what it's like and he doesn't wish that upon anyone ever.

"So we're going to save a dragon." Cale says as he gets out of the room that he was changing in and Choi-han is instantly smitten by how Cale looks in the clothes, so much so that he completely disregards the symbol of the group that killed everyone in Harris village. The clothes are a little tight on Cale but it still fits just fine, the clothes highlight the details on Cale's body which makes Choi-han blush mostly because he got a glance at Cale's ass in the tight clothing. The both of them had already changed so they left, they sneaked out the window with Cale in Choi-han's arms and the kittens in Cale's.

'How strong is this guy? I'm a full grown man plus 2 cats and he's carrying me out the window like no problem!' Cale thought as he leaned his head onto Choi-han's chest and used both of his arms to secure the kittens. Choi-han was trying to not disturbed Cale or make him uncomfortable so he made sure he held him very securely, Cale by impulse moved one of his arms and clutched onto Choi-han's shirt but he made sure that he was still securing the kittens, Choi-han however, misunderstands this and thought Cale was scared.

"Don't worry, Cale-nim! I'll be sure to keep you safe!" Choi-han says with a bright smile though Cale is a little confused on what he means. 

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