Chapter 12: The Fifth Heroes Path

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Mirai Level: 29

Kenta Level: 30

"Mirai?!" Kenta calls, Itsuki glances behind me and returns his disgusted eyes back at me.

"Cover-up that eye of yours before you make someone sick," he states.

"Hey!" Kenta shouts as I turn my back on the bow.

"With that attitude you'll be the first to die." I comment as I look back at him, "You won't ever become what you've been called, all you are is a fake nothing more, nothing less." I start walking away, "Let's go."

"Look at the witch doing what she does best, run-." Itsuki comments.


"What are you thinking?!" he shouts in surprise. I glare back at him and he flinches.

"I suggest you choose your next words carefully, for I won't miss a second time. And FYI Itsuki" I lower my gun, " I'm not the one running away."

"Lord Itsuki," one of his party members ran by us, "Did we do it?"


"There's nothing more we can do, just leave it," I reply, we walk away from the house and find ourselves amongst the field of death. Sudden victory cries electrify the air behind.

"Lady Mirai?" Minato questions, as Onis licks his face I look around the blood stained chaos.

"Victory" I comment as the very word tastes sour, "There's nothing victorious about this."

"I wouldn't say that," Nagisa states, "The people banded together and overcame the odds to create a future in their favour,"

"Nagisa, that's not the type of victory she means," Minato comments.

"I'm not sure I get it,"

"Given time" I comment and stare forlornly towards the field as the wind kicks up, "this land will die once more," I turn away, "Come on,"

I don't remember much about the trip back to the city, but what I do remember is the sadness and guilt I felt, knowing that the future of the land is doomed. Knowing that even though I fought, barely, alongside idoitic Itsuki and told him about the consequences of his actions it was all in vain. My words meant nothing to him, I failed in the one thing I was summoned here to do.

"Crap" I sit up holding my hand over my non-existent eye, I glance over to Kenta's bed to find him sleeping in his demon form snoring happily as a bubble of air moves up and down. I smile slightly at the sight, "Ow." I get up and walk into the bathroom where I apply the cream and head back to bed, where I stare at the ceiling, "Screw this, I can't sleep." I grab my cloak, leave the room, and look for a balcony. Once my hunt for the balcony is concluded I gently close the door behind me and walk to the edge where I prop my arms onto the marble railing. My gaze wanders the night lights as I take in the peaceful air, "If only the scent on the wind was true." I sigh, and continue to look over the silent city as the situations with Ren, Itsuki, and Motoyasu play through my mind.

"Where did I go wrong?" I pause for a moment as the night air passes by. I knit my eyebrows, "I'm not the one at fault here." I realise, "It's this country and it's damn royals! Without them screwing with everything the heroes wouldn't be at war with one another. If only they'd-" I shake my head.

"Stop it, I can't think like that. Although, if they weren't around Naofumi wouldn't have had to go through all the BS they put him through." I throw my arms in the air, "This is impossible! What am I going to do?" I ask myself, "I know I need to keep a neutral stance but," disgust engulfs my gaze as the three of them appear before me, "Those 3 moronic, idoitic, monkey's piss me off!!"

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